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Old March 17th, 2005, 03:09 AM   #852
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Originally Posted by BRG
PUNT THE EWOK!?! That would be satisfying! Maybe they could make it an Olympic sport!
The medival group I'm in (SCA) plays a game called sheep stealing, that could be adapted.
The SCA version has two teams in full armour, usually up to 10 per side in a roped off area with open ends. The field players have a single short sword (no shield) and the goal keeper has a broadsword (two handed). The object is to pick up the sheep (a large stuffed toy) and fight your way through the opposition to their goal to score a baa (without sustaining killing blows on the way).
get killed and the possession passes to the other side. resurrections are as often as it takes to keep the game going and at the Marshallates discretion. Its rough and lots of fun. A lot like rugby but with more metal and lots of rattan (used for the swords)
The kids and non armoured members even play a safe version with boffas (foam swords: sort of like the old nerf toys)

The StarWars version would have an ewok, and lightsabres of the one and two handed versions. Playing it with armour modified to contact combat rules would be cool and a worthy thing to do with purpose built stormtroop armour.

And then theres the BSG version, with the centurions (who have swords, after all) and the daggit drone,. Makes triad look tame

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