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Old March 15th, 2005, 12:42 PM   #57
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Originally Posted by Dawg
He told us not to get mad at Bonnie Hammer, because what was up on that screen now was his, not hers. Apparently in the DVD he takes that a step further by saying that Hammer and Universal would have been fine continuing to work on what Tom DeSanto had started.
With one sentence Ron Moore absolves all Bonnie Hammer's "sins". I guess all the hate mail and hate threads about her were for nothing or a mistake. Anyone going to apologize to her? Of course not.

This thread from post number one went after Ron Moore. Then the cavalcade came out to cheer it on and still does.

How about a thread that says, "TOS meant XYZ to me and I was really hurt when TNS came out because it means ABC to me." instead of one more rant against the arrogant Ron Moore who is dancing on the grave of TOS.

In the end most anti-Moore rants assume either Moore intentionally does what he does because he hates TOS and TOS fans or Moore believed from Day 1 that a non-TOS based version wouldn't be successful unless he ginned up a contraversy. The first belief is simply irrational and the second belief if true would imply that Moore would have made a TOS based Continuation instead which he didn't.

How about this for an idea: Moore did what he wanted to do and thought would work best. Although not his intention he knew from the get go it would piss off some people so he simply made an omlette with his broken eggs. SCIFI made a marketing plan that took the reality of a vocal element of the TOS fanbase into consideration.
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