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Old March 15th, 2005, 10:31 AM   #41
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Originally Posted by Eric Paddon
Excuse me Antelope, but this is not "blind hatred" of Moore, it's the result of having looked at what he's said with eyes open. There is nothing "irrational" about the perspective many like myself have chosen to take regarding Moore

Antelope, this is not going to wash with someone like me when you say, "Yes he has!" and then won't address the evidence on the other side of the equation that indicates otherwise.

this is not about a mere "television show"
Again you reference Moore and not the product. Ron Moore doesn't know you, me or anyone else here personally unless you are his friend, neighbor, or coworker. You hate a human being because he earns his living by making a television show you don't like.

You have read all the things I have over the past year or so. I don't need to repost them. You are not new here. If you want to ignore every post or article related to Moore reaching out to angry members of the TOS fan base I am not going to change your mind today. Those who don't want to see it call all his efforts pandering or insincere. Since neither of us know him personally nor can we see into his heart I think I will just say that for whatever reason he has made an effort.

Yes, it is about a television show. You may believe it is about more than a television show but I am pretty sure no one employed in the production of TOS, BG80, or TNS ever had any illusions that they were doing anything other than working on a television show.

Glen Larson and the other TOS writers were able to touch you in a deep way when they wrote scripts for a television show. Thank God that you were lucky enough to have such an experience. These things seldom happen for most people. Don't loose sight however that Glen Larson, Universal, and ABC weren't looking to give you or anyone else such an experience. They were trying to sell commercial air time to advertisers, sell childrens toys, make money on theatre ticket sales, and collect revenue off selling syndication rights.

Finally: Nothing Ron Moore or anyone else has or will do will ever destroy one episode of TOS. TOS will always be there. Ron Moore, SCIFI, Sky One, etc are creators of a new television series not destroyers of two former television series.
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