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Old March 15th, 2005, 09:57 AM   #39
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I agree with you that “Blind hatred of Moore and SCIFI is not going to get anyone a Continuation nor is it rational”
I will also agree “Fandom … is often not rational.”

The problem with these statements is that you associate fandom with blind hatred, and I take issue with that.

True there are many fans of TOS who are continuation supporters that strongly dislike Moore and SCIFI. Some may even hate…but to say that such feeling is “blind” suggests that they have no reason for feeling as they do, a position that can easily be refuted by reading their numerous posts. Such fans have excellent reasons for feeling as they do, and many have stated those reasons time and again.

As for Moore reaching out to fans, again I would to a limited extent agree with you, as I am sure Moore would. But there are a great many who would not, or see his overtures as pandering. Given RDM’s public personality and demeanor, as well as the results of his labors, I can see how his actions could be construed as negative. He certainly made no large overtures in the early days of the project to the fan base, nor did he indicate he really cared about TOS in any way.

I don’t remember the letter you reference from RDM. It would be nice if I did, as it would mean it had made an impact. I do believe that since the project has gone to series he has tried to reach out more to TOS fans. But for many, it’s too little, too late.

Finally you say, “I understand the feeling but focusing your anger on human beings about a television show is ridiculous.”

To which I reply: Neither you, nor I (who am also a supporter of TNS as well as a TOS fanatic) can truly understand. We aren’t living it, as those who feel they have been betrayed do.

I don’t always agree with the positions some TOS-only fans take, nor do I always like the vehement way they attack TNS, but I understand that not being in their shoes, I am not one to judge the source of their feeling. And lastly I say that in this day-in-age, when the world can be so sterile and corporately structured and controlled, passion about anything is never ridiculous. It is to be applauded and encouraged.

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