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Old March 12th, 2005, 04:26 PM   #18
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I've seen all five prior movies
Don't we all know that there are 14 Star Wars Movies ???? Some might argue 13, I can understand that, but I love tripping people up when they say they have seen all 6 !!!!

Try and work out the above

Myself, I'd pay extra for a Jar-Jar free version of this entire series
This exists. A fan cut up The Phantom Menace to exclude JarJar. Lucasfilm threatened all sorts of legal action, but I don't think they found out who did it. Then there was a rumour that Lucas would do a re-cut of the movie without JarJar, but in the end it turned out that he just listened to critisism about the character, and minimised his role in EpII.

I would like a mini series
I too would love a mini-series. You could use a number of characters from both trilogies. Setting each mini-series in a different time between the movies. If you look at the classic trilogy characters that can be used as they don't age :

Darth Vader
Boba Fett
The Emporer
Jabba & co.

For Example :

A droids movie set between Ep3 and Ep4

Boba Fett's somewhat problematic trip to take the Carbonite Han to Jabba was originally written into the movie, but not included.

Lucasfilm have always (since the 70s) put a block on the story of how Han and Chewie met being explored, except to say that Han rescued him from slavery....perhaps that is a plan they have ?

can' see Harrison Ford of Carrie Fisher reprising there roles though even for a once off ?? what do you think
Money can talk a lot. Look how Harrison Ford has participated in the 'Young Indy' telemovies to create a scene that ends with him telling how "when I was a lad...." Now he wants to do another Indiana Jones movie, as he was very fond of the character....Can't rule out Han Solo ????

And it is well known that the Lucasfilm archives has vast amounts of archive unseen footage of the actots shooting scenes in the 70s that could be cut in.....

The future of Star Wars could be quite exciting !
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