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Old February 12th, 2005, 10:29 AM   #7
Muff Daggy
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Colonial Fleets

Join Date: May 2001
Location: Beaver Hollow, TN
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Oh yes, definitely Gemini!!! We can start out small and simple, say with the Galactica bridge, then add the rest of the ship, then shuttles to take us to other ships (Cylon Alliance, Dirk's site,, etc), and even on to other worlds! See? That's the best part! We all keep adding suggestions, and little by little we grow into an ever developing dream! Don't worry about the computer talent arena -- coding is actually a small part of most software projects. There are artists, script writers, gif creators, page layout designers, people in charge of assets (keeping track of WIP art, sounds, etc) - and of course the all important testers! Any of us could be a tester, and believe me, that's an important part of all this!!! I would like to put lots of sound and jokes into this, (yay jokes!!!), and we will need folks to lend their voice talents and humor ideas as well. Who knows? You may find you're perfect for something none of us even thought of??!!

Thanks for your reply, and your idea!!!

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