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Old January 23rd, 2005, 04:58 AM   #1
Colonial Story Teller
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Thumbs up Favorite Comedy Movies...

What were some of your favorite comedy movies?

For myself, I would probably have to put "The Frisco Kid" at the top of my list.

From 1979, this was a western comedy that starred two of my alltime favorite actors: Gene Wilder (comic GENIUS) and Harrison Ford (still sporting the Star Wars Han Solo look).

Gene Wilder plays Polish student Avram Belinski who is rather unceremonisouly promoted to Rabbi by his Yashiva teacher..and is sent to San Francisco, to be the local rabbi there.

He has many misadventures and happens upon a bank robber named Tommy (Ford). Together, they form an uneasy friendship that quickly evolves into best-frienddom.

One of the best sequences is the duo's encounter with a tribe of Indians.

Despite the fact that this movie is a handles its subject matter with great respect.

Many people usually make "Pollock" jokes. This movie does not do that. Yes, Avram may seem a little like a fish out of water at times...but he is by no means representative of that spiteful moniker mentioned above. And the way that Gene Wilder portrays him is so convincing, especially in his more religious ritualistic is just stunning. This may sound silly (and I am not Hebrew) but sometimes I nearly CRY at just how beautifully Gene Wilder plays this silly, yet intentive character.

Harrison Ford is very much Han Solo in the old west in this movie...the renegade with a heart of gold. The guy knows comedy.

The final showdown in the movie is great....and Ford's character sends chills up my spine with the intensity that he plays the scene.

I highly recommend The Frisco Kid. You will laugh yourself silly. And I recommend it if you are a fan at all of Gene Wilder, or Harrison Ford...or in my case, both.

Don't be a fan. Don't be a victim!-Martok2112
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