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Old January 23rd, 2005, 02:06 AM   #116
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It's interesting that Walt reads about a polar bear and one manifests itself (twice). And now we see that Kate has kept a little plane locked away in a deposit box, and in real life a plane has crashed on an isolated island, locked away as it were. Obviously there is something very special about these survivors. Not everyone in the part of the plane the main characters were on survived. Perhaps it isn't the island that gives them the ability to alter reality but just these particular people themselves.

Which makes me wonder if the unseen monster that terrorized them early on, wasn't just the manifestation of the survivors unfocused fears of being stranded on the island. They were scared, but they didn't know exactly what to be scared of, and so, that vague invisible dread became that in reality- a vague invisible monster.

The compass that doesn't point north, may be doing that because no one on the island knows where they are, so the island doesn't know where it is. If Jack and Sayid were to get everyone together and say, that's were the sun rises, that's were it sets, so that is north. Would the compass suddenly point North?

The only way to answer this stuff, is for all of us to get together and crash a plane on a mysterious island. Who's with me! I'll bring the sunblock.
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