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Old November 12th, 2004, 03:52 PM   #54
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Default what it's similar to

Lost is similar in concept to JUST ABOUT EVERYTHING! It's just that the writing, acting and scenery are so well-done, and there have been so few decent new stories on TV for the past five years or so (ever since everyone started making reality TV), that it seems original.
The two most obvious comparisons, are, of course, Gilligan's Island and Survivor. But those two stories aren't the only ones.
In the course of five minutes, I came up with (I cheated, I did a little research on the dates) Castaway, Fantasy Island, Lord of the Flies (1954), Swiss Family Robinson (1814), The New People (a 1969 series which I never saw about a group of teens stranded on an abandoned military basis in the Pacific), Robinson Crusoe (1719), Gulliver's Travels (1726), Exile (a 1980s TV movie starring one of the Coreys about a group of teens stranded on a tropical isle), and the oldest one of all, The Tempest (1610). I don't remember if there was anything similar in the Odyssey, and that was written at least 2,000 years ago!
Oh, and as for the monster, that's from Jurassic Park/King Kong/Island of Dr. Moreau et al.
One last thing I've noticed: the character of Charlie is very much like the character of Larry in Stephen King's The Stand.
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