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Old November 3rd, 2004, 07:31 AM   #17
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Originally Posted by Darth Marley
Depends on how you look at it.

Do you want to go back to the popular vote?

Much was said about Bush being "illegitamate" because Gore won the popular vote.
Looks like Bush won the popular vote by millions, so everyone that thought Gore should have won because of the popular vote should be honest and consistant, and support Bush as the victor, unless of course they are hypocrites.

Look at the don't lie. Red states good, blue states few... stil no landslide?
I was merely saying it wasn't such an overwheling victory that would lend itself to no dispute. If Bush had totally defeated Kerry by and overwhelming amount there would be no dispute. I was not getting into the issue of popular vs electorial college. It is obvious (to me) it is a hard to choice and the american people where very close on trying to decide....for me it is the lesser of two evils...I didn't like either candidate and I think it is seems(when I checked last) it was not a clear cut choice(by an overwhelming margin)........that is ALL I was saying
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