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Old October 5th, 2004, 02:36 AM   #17
Colonial Story Teller
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Some elements of the original show could be changed to make it a little more today. (I am not talking about 70's haridos or anything like that.)

The movie for an original could be a touch darker. Not overly so, but just a touch because the subject is still "the annihilation of the human race, and its last survivors on the run."

I still think the whole "Carillon" aspect of SASW completely ruins the pilot. I am not saying that the pilot itself is bad, because it did capture my imagination as a kid, and is still very enjoyable to watch did much of the original Battlestar Galactica series .

Muffit could be kept in the show, as long as Muffit was sparingly used, and not just something to appeal to the kiddies. (A mistake that GL made with the Ewoks and the Gungans in the Return of the Jedi, and the Star Wars prequels. NOTE: At least in Star Wars Battlefronts for PS2/XBOX/PC, you can shoot them.)

I would be afraid that if Battlestar Galactica were remade with some of the more kiddie aspects in mind, that it would suddenly be likened with Spy Kids and the Pixar movies. (Not that I don't like those films...I find them very enjoyable.)

The heroes of the story would remain the same in their values. In the current era, chances are their acting abilities have greatly improved. (It certainly looks like it in the end of the Ron Moore Battlestar Galactica series new preview, concerning Mr. Hatch.)

The villains would need to be much smarter, and only slightly more terrifying. The Cylons (for all intents and purposes) are monsters of a sort..and should be reflected as such. (Not monsters in the Godzilla/King Kong sense, but in the irredeemably vile sense.)

I would also focus on the plight of the fleet. It seems that the original series did not do this enough, and I am not trying to offend the sensibilities of my Classic series comrades, but from what I have seen of synopses of the Ron Moore Battlestar Galactica series , it looks like it will.

(Here comes another shameless plug) but if you want to see what I would do to make the original Battlestar Galactica series a little more up to date...just read my stories "Battlestar Galactica: Dark Exodus", and it's sequel in-progress "Battlestar Galactica: Reciprocity" . That is probably the best way I can express what I would change, or at least slightly modify about our beloved Classic Battlestar Galactica.

I must confess, I also take some exception to "the gullible" notion. I had some doubts about the Ron Moore Battlestar Galactica series , and after I watched it, much of that doubt was erased. Does that mean I was gullible? No. It means that I found an aspect of Battlestar Galactica that I enjoyed every bit as much as the established Classic mythos.

Although we here at the Fleets are trying to make it a peacable atmosphere for fans of both the original Battlestar Galactica series and the Ron Moore Battlestar Galactica series , we have to avoid these "veiled" attacks from either side.

I would have to respectfully disagree with you though, Darth, about the idea of having a "smack talk" thread here at the Fleets. Even though it might be a thread meant in good natured fun..there will ALWAYS be someone who will take it too far. Even if the "smack talk" were kept to one specific portion of the forums, I would be concerned that someone would be petty enough to drag their arguments and immaturity out into the general Fleets forums, only to strike up further dischord among the fandoms that are trying to get along. Even if it were restricted to a particular forum in the Fleets, it would be detrimental to the overall atmosphere we are trying to provide here.

But this thread (sorry to have digressed, folks) is about what, if anything, would you change about Classic Galactica if you got the chance to write it?

So, I return you all to the regular thread already in progress.

Respectfully to all,

Don't be a fan. Don't be a victim!-Martok2112
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