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Old September 21st, 2004, 02:13 PM   #6
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Originally Posted by ernie90125

I may be going to get a bit of a battering here but I actually don't care that Star Wars isn't going to be released in its original form. I thought the special editions were great !
Ernie, a lot of us first saw A New Hope at it's first release in the theaters. It didn't have these (admittedly) cool sequences that showed the breadth and scale of that world, but we were left to imagine, and I liked what I imagimed Mos Eisley to be.

In it we saw worlds that made us gasp, and characters that made us wonder (and for some of us younger ones at the time, fear). In a Large way, Lucas has taken alot of that away from us now, with his monkeying with the film.

Not to mention making Han Solo PC by having Greedo shoot first, which I also have an issue with.

I can't speak for the others, but among other things, I do miss being able to create those worlds in his universe, and if I can find another set of unaltered movies, I will be snapping it up.

And yes, I do realize that the sentence structure is not too good
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