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Old August 10th, 2004, 12:49 PM   #11
On Vacation...
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Originally Posted by The 14th Colony

1- What form of physical contact between friends, family, or spouses do you think the majority of people find most important? Think again. The answer in my mind, IMHO, is not so much pleasure but emotional value.

A) A kiss.

B) A hug.

C) Holding hands.

B- hugs it’s been shown that hugs can increase brain activity and size, if a child gets 16 hugs a day. and you need 8 a day to meet your emotional needs. I love to hug but most people only give half hugs they don’t let their chests touch they just kind of bend forward a little and tap tap tap with one hand on your back. I like a good bear hug and I like it to last a bit!

2- If you could eliminate one thing from the whole wide world that would result in the greatest benefit to mankind, what would it be?

A) Sickness and debilitating diseases.

B) Poverty and starvation.

C) Hatred, intolerance, and indifference.

B... poverty and starvation lead to sickness and disease and creates hatred through envy

3- Do you think that our society has advanced in a productive, healthy, conscientious way? Have we really come that far in the last few hundred years? Why or why not? This is an essay question but in a nut shell: NO the more "advanced" we've become the more detached we've become from our world. We have lost our understanding of the importance and value of simple things like clean air and water and healthy soil.

4- Are you the same person you were when you answered my first survey? I don’t mean your name, DNA, or Social Security number, ect. Your beliefs, ideals, personality, and so on. Well I haven't seen let alone answered your other surveys but I'm always working on changing and improving myself and hopefully growing as a human being so most probably I have changed somewhat.

5- If you had to evacuate your home in the face of oncoming disaster, aside from loved ones and pets, what three items of particular emotional or symbolic importance would you take with you? What I mean is, what things that mean the most to you as far as your inspiration, your interests, the things that make you or add to what you are, would you take with you if limited to just 3? This has to be one of the most painful questions to answer for me I've been there but having remembered the girl guide motto of "be prepared" I was and had most everything I wanted to rescue in a box by the exit ready to go... The cats were a challenge trying to catch 8 terrified cats was no mean feat I got very badly torn up but I refused to leave anyone behind and everyone was ok. But 3 things only? that is hard there are far more than 3 ...there is the camera my dad gave me, the flute he gave me when I was 13, the wooden chest he made me for my 17th b-day, all the letters my mother has written me over the last 18 years, all my pictures, my fav well thumbed books, the blanket my aunt crochet for me, the blanket my fav aunt gave me before dying of cancer, my teddy bear that I've had since I was born and the other one since I was 10 and saw me through a lot of hard times, my high school year book with all my friends wishes written in it, doilies that friends have made me, my sketch books and diaries, the tea pot cover and the sewing kit my mother made me, the stain glass unicorn my mother made, love letters and home made movies, how the heck can I choose! of course most of what I've mentioned is in the chest my father made me so I could cheat and say I'd take the chest (and it would be filled with all these things )

6- What films or books, in your opinion, have given a strong message and left an impact on society, either American or worldwide?

Any of the religious books like the bible/Koran etc. books/documents written by the great thinkers of their day like Plato, Einstein, Darwin, Galileo, Shakespeare etc. Movies I'll have to think about it..

7- If you are, or have wanted to be, a screenwriter, name a film that you would have liked to have been involved in because of its uniqueness and/or contradiction to accepted visual styles and methods of storytelling (not the Star Wars saga.). Or in general, for any reason, what film? Why? hard to narrow it down to one but I'd pick The bicycle thief (1949) powerful story that brought home to me in a very clear and simple way how something so seemingly inconsequential as a bike could have such monumental importance and make such an impact in a person's life. Everything is relative and everything has value to someone. It also brought home to me how cruel and unfair life can be with it's weird and ironic twists of fate, something I very much identify with. I love the way it explores "the human condition and questions society, family, law enforcement, alliances and mental anguish " I love movies that make me think and question or explore my understanding or my world and I felt this movie did this and I would love to have been apart of it for that reason.

8- Your favorite foods, and drinks: Fav drinks: tea, virgin Cesar’s and virgin chi chi’s, fresh blackberry juice with a touch of sugar and lemon juice...haven! favorite foods: California rolls, shrimp, special breads, Sally Lund bread, lindt chocolate, chocolate cake, "world class" ice cream from baskin and robins, blue, rasp and straw berries, bing cherries, peaches, cantaloupe, exotic potatoes fresh from the garden, salmon candy, salmon, maple syrup, maple sugar, crepes. Cheesecake, after eights, Sea Shells (chocolate) Turtles (chocolate) toblerone, fruit jellies covered in sugar, tootsie rolls

9- Your Top Ten favorite films: This is sooooo hard! ACK! But the movies I watch the most over and over again because I love them so much are: The Big chill, Same time next year, Star Wars, The man from snowy river, A river runs through it, The way we were, Pride and Prejudice, Lord of the Rings, Dirty Dancing, The Terminator.

10- Your Top Ten favorite TV shows: Crap only 10! Reminds me of when I was a kid and my mother would only allow me 30 hours of tv a week! How to pick! But here goes. Nakita, Farscape, Roswell, Wizards and Warriors, ER, The Carol Burnett Show, Firefly, Dawson’s’ Creek, All Creatures Great and Small, The West Wing.

this is all my aching hand can manage for today, to be continued
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