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Old July 16th, 2004, 08:12 PM   #8
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Default SG: Atlantis Premiere (no spoilers)

Hey everyone -

I just finished watching the SG:Atlantis premiere (I get the East Coast feed for Skiffy). It was pretty good - the story was a lot different than I expected - In a good way for the most part. I liked the new ensemble cast the producers assembled for Atlantis - the characters are likeable and watchable. It will be interesting to see how they develop them - given the circumstances that are set up in the opening episode. There were lots of nice sets and SFX - almost a step above SG-1 when it comes to production design.

I won't make comment on the story yet - I want to give everyone a chance to sit down and watch it - some of you on the West Coast just started a few minutes ago....

Have fun!
Paxil death
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