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Old July 14th, 2004, 01:55 PM   #13
Eric Paddon
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Originally Posted by antelope526
Cylons = Al Queada = God's Chosen:
This would be in the mind of the cylon just as it is in the mind of the Islamic extremist. This would NOT imply they are God's chosen people or that Moore intends them to be..
When there is NO meaningful counterpoint to this from the other society and we get instead a blatant indication of how little religion plays in the role of society, the only thing that ends up being obvious is that religion is for extremists or losers, and is only there as a ceremonial crutch to give some gullible people something to believe in if they feel desperate.

"The lack of relevance to today's audience is only in the fact that we do not feel threatened with destruction by a fascist state at this moment in time. There is no Soviet Union or Nazi Germany on the Earth today."

The evil ideology and the nature of a good/evil struggle without the rubbish of how "we brought it on ourselves" that is at the crux of the Moore miniseries is what makes TOS relevant to today and Moore utterly irrelevant.

"If you want to believe SOASW has more overt references to religion then Moore's mini I can't stop what you believe even if it has no basis in reality."

It has a lot more basis in reality (especially in light of how this series developed as envisioned by its creator and how it was consistent with what we saw in Saga) than any of your baseless arguments that Moore is looking to TOS for inspiration in his writing will ever have (like the "Sheba is Starbuck" bit)

"In the mini we have colonial prayer, a speaking role from a person who is some form of priestess,"

Who is there as a ceremonial prop and placed in (along with Stardoe's prayer bit) only after Moore got a lot of heat over the blatant anti-religious tone of his script.

"When Moore says he wants to borrow things from TOS"

And this only makes him more reprehensible. He jettisoned everything about TOS in his miniseries and reveled in how different and better it was, and now he wants to rely on TOS as his crutch to compensate for his lack of originality. If he wanted to rely on TOS he should have kept his hands off the property and allowed it to be continued by those who appreciated it.
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