Thread: My Turtle Died.
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Old June 6th, 2004, 08:14 AM   #15
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Ours we just call Turtle. When we got him he was the size of a quarter. Now he is the size of a large dessert dish. We have him in a 20 gallon aquarium with filtered water. He has all sorts of climbing rocks. He is about four years old now. He just came out of his hibernation mode and has started eating again...I just gave him a bath and scrubbed his shell and he shed all of his plates and he feels very frisky now.... Sometimes we put very small minnows in his tank for dinner. He loves catching them

General Info: Anyone that buys a turtle, buy a turtle book and learn all you can. They need more than just water. Way more... They need a special light if they can't get sunlight and tap water can make them sick sometimes. We use the same drops for the water that we use with our fish...

Sorry to hear about your turtle, Paul. Those little guys get such personalities.......
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