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Centurion Draco February 1st, 2005 04:41 AM

Cylon armour prop suits
Greetings Warriors :cylon:

Just wondering how many people have gone to the trouble of sourcing a set of reproduction Cylon prop armour?

I've just ordered a set from Kropserkel, and am just waiting while its built.
anyone got an original?
Curious as to how many other Cylons we have in our midst really.

BlueSquad2001 November 21st, 2005 11:55 PM

And much did you spend for this suit??? :D

Charybdis November 22nd, 2005 06:34 AM

Isn't the kropserkel suit around $4000??

BlueSquad2001 November 22nd, 2005 08:35 AM


Originally Posted by Charybdis
Isn't the kropserkel suit around $4000??

If it is, I aint buyin' ! :eek:
If I could get a suit on loan, I'd put a protective film on it and then make a mold of everything, then sell them for around 400, maybe. :rotf: :wtf:
(I WOULD TOO! :beer: )

Sept17th November 22nd, 2005 04:03 PM


Originally Posted by Charybdis
Isn't the kropserkel suit around $4000??

$2,500 with out sword. It's about $1,500 to exspensive when you compare it to Trooper armor which is a more complete suit. The Cylon will be my one of my film's biggest exspenses. :thumbdown

BlueSquad2001 November 22nd, 2005 04:09 PM

Any idea how we can beat these costs? If I could just get one outfit, place a protective coating of latex or similar film over it, I could make entire suits at 400 to 500 bucks maybe. This would be the way to go. And I'd then be able to finally have my own Cylon suit displayed in my home. Would you like to participate in this idea? :salute:

ernie90125 November 22nd, 2005 04:15 PM

BleSquad2001.....I would only ever encourage a Fleets member to explore artistic projects.....but aren't you worried that if you sell items like're gonna be hit by a lawsuit ?

Then again at $400 I can understand it as more tempting. For the same $1,500 Sept17th could have 4 Cylons in his fanfilm !

BlueSquad2001 November 22nd, 2005 04:50 PM


Originally Posted by ernie90125
BleSquad2001.....I would only ever encourage a Fleets member to explore artistic projects.....but aren't you worried that if you sell items like're gonna be hit by a lawsuit ?

Then again at $400 I can understand it as more tempting. For the same $1,500 Sept17th could have 4 Cylons in his fanfilm !

No, I'm not. Worried about anything. The people that produce the cylon outfits do not own any copyrights nor do they own the right to produce or sell anything under the Battlestar copyrights. These are fan produced. And if anyone was going to be hit by lawsuit or threat thereof, it would not be me. It would be the ones charging Thousands of dollars to produce the outfits as well as create an entire web-site devoted to that end and advertise this to the entire globe. Larson or no one involved with ownership of Galactica ever see or realize a cent from one of these sales. Ernie, please stop mentioning lawsuits, you obviously do not know that all the merchandise out there for sale, models, props, suits, jackets, are NOT licensed. I'm a model maker small fry, so no one would target me, and I'm not stoppng here. And Ernie, all of this fan work just generates the popularity, even Larson has said that he enjoys seeing all the fan models and endeavors to keep the real Galactica alive. So either buy these and enjoy them, or like I always say, "do not" but if you want them, they are coming and alllthat you wish Galactica related, models, prop, anything, get them while they are here. No more about lawsuits please. You obviously do not know. Just buy the merchandise and enjoy it if you want to. :eek: :wtf:

ernie90125 November 22nd, 2005 05:45 PM


I'm not sure how to read this reply. My post was in concern for your wellbeing as an artist and BSG fan, as I don't want to see a fellow Fleets member in trouble over persueing their love of the show and artistry. No 'stirring' or insult was intended in my post. Yet you're reply greatly concerns me.


Ernie, please stop mentioning lawsuits, you obviously do not know that all the merchandise out there for sale, models, props, suits, jackets, are NOT licensed.
I am sorry if my expressing concern, and as a potential customer asking a reasonable question, causes you discomfort. However, as your post tries to make me look ignorant I must respond to it.

I DO know that a number of licenses have been granted by Universal to allow, for reportadly a considerable amount, the replication of BSG models for commercial purposes. Do you think people like Joyride Konami etc did not get licenses ?


No more about lawsuits please. You obviously do not know. say I 'do not know' about these things. I found this insulting as you know nothing about me ! Over the last several years, I have been commissioned on more than one occasion, to provide research for legal proceedings against those who infringe copyright for commercial gain. This has been in the music and art business.

I am very familiar with laws and precedents relating to 'passing off' of copyright which these replicas would come under. I think you will find that it is only tolerance or ignorance that has lead to Universal not filing against artists of ANY size.

As you have seen in other threads....I encourage others, including yourself as you will have seen, to explore their artistic abilities especially in BSG fandom and here on Fleets. But please don't publically tell me I'm ignorant of the professional issues I deal with as part of my livelehood....especially when you know nothing about me.

That being said I hope we can now return to more friendly relations and I wish you the best of luck with your BSG endevours.

BlueSquad2001 November 22nd, 2005 05:57 PM


Originally Posted by ernie90125

I'm not sure how to read this reply. My post was in concern for your wellbeing as an artist and BSG fan, as I don't want to see a fellow Fleets member in trouble over persueing their love of the show and artistry. No 'stirring' or insult was intended in my post. Yet you're reply greatly concerns me.

I am sorry if my expressing concern, and as a potential customer asking a reasonable question, causes you discomfort. However, as your post tries to make me look ignorant I must respond to it.

I DO know that a number of licenses have been granted by Universal to allow, for reportadly a considerable amount, the replication of BSG models for commercial purposes. Do you think people like Joyride Konami etc did not get licenses ? say I 'do not know' about these things. I found this insulting as you know nothing about me ! Over the last several years, I have been commissioned on more than one occasion, to provide research for legal proceedings against those who infringe copyright for commercial gain. This has been in the music and art business.

I am very familiar with laws and precedents relating to 'passing off' of copyright which these replicas would come under. I think you will find that it is only tolerance or ignorance that has lead to Universal not filing against artists of ANY size.

As you have seen in other threads....I encourage others, including yourself as you will have seen, to explore their artistic abilities especially in BSG fandom and here on Fleets. But please don't publically tell me I'm ignorant of the professional issues I deal with as part of my livelehood....especially when you know nothing about me.

That being said I hope we can now return to more friendly relations and I wish you the best of luck with your BSG endevours.

Okay, now I fully understand what you were attempting to communicate. I apologize. Althought konami and joyride have acquired licenses, they are not what I mean by, model or resin kit producers. Please visit the store over at and enjoy the wide range of pistols and vipers and shuttles and cylon raiders, but these are not licensed, and neither is anyone attempting to provide blasters, sci-fi models, or jackets- on e-bay, or the numerous enhancement kits to add to the dis-continued and mass marketed Monongram Viper. These are fan based. :salute: I understand your point, and understand where you were heading with your questions about lawsuits. But this draws attention I feel negatively towards those like me who want to bring and provide the fun models and props that we do to the fan base, like yourself. Let's not call my work Battlestar Galactica, let's say my sorta viper- look like is called and interfleet-interceptor! :rotf: And my shuttle is not the Colonial Shuttle, Noooo, it's the Galactic flying spacebox. So there you see, nothing at all actually Galactica related. Thanks for the input, and I fully understand you have great intentions and do not wish negativity. I salute you as a helpful member! :salute: :colonial:

ernie90125 November 22nd, 2005 06:15 PM

I am pleased you understand the meaning of my post now. Changing the names would not be sufficent to put you in the clear though. We are all on the same side.....remember I run a website linking to other 'infringements' better known as fanfilms ! Luckily, the studios (Lucasfilm, Paramount, Universal etc) are wise enough to not to sue they most devoted fans/customers who show appreciation for their brands. So one would hope that we're going to be OK.

I think cheap yet accurate Cylon costumes would be a great. You might even be able to do a gold cylon ?

I was awre of the site you linked to......but take a look at this product. The model does not show the Cylon with any material, but rather a thick rubber as well as the chrome. I think this helps reduce the 'man in a suit' feel.

Apology accepted by the way.

Charybdis November 23rd, 2005 02:17 PM


BlueSquad2001 November 23rd, 2005 02:20 PM

Maybe, is you Lil' Ole filmakers that help keep us Big Ole' modelmkers in business. One hand washes the other. :salute:

KamikazeAthena November 23rd, 2005 02:33 PM

What a killer lawn ornament!
If anyone comes up with the parts for a Cylon suit for $400, I am in!

BlueSquad2001 November 23rd, 2005 02:43 PM

I'm trying to do this, and for this price, I MEAN IT! I mean fully chromed also! No Painting necessary. If someone will work with me, I'll produce the goods. :salute:

Gold Cylon November 7th, 2009 12:55 PM

Re: Cylon armour prop suits
Although this posting is very old it was some what entertaining to read, and a bit informative on the legal side. On the legal side it seems like the comments were more common sense, than pointing out legal, but a nice confirmation. Now as building a replica Cylon, chroming it, and selling it for $400 even in 2005 cost of living prices that is funny. A Cylon can't even be chromed for $400 let alone the rest of the suit built and trimmed. Also a going price for a screen accurate under suit goes for about $2500 stand alone. A great 1:1 Cylon screen used quality standards go for over $5000 fully loaded weapons, sword, eye scanner, boots, skirt, and everything need to complete. A cheap copy with out the bells whistles or even chrome in kit form runs about $500 if you know someone, or $600 to $700 on eBay. Now if a kit was ever made and being sold for $400 I would like to see this offering. As like the comments by the other two no insult is being tossed out to either party. ;)

Athene November 7th, 2009 02:04 PM

Re: Cylon armour prop suits
Very interesting...
I'm wondering if anyone is actually building a suit currently...

monolith21 November 7th, 2009 07:14 PM

Re: Cylon armour prop suits
I believe that Kropserkel is still making the suits. The newly formed "Cylon Empire" (paired with Blackstar Squadron now under one banner!!!) over at might be able to help you out.

Kits pop up on ebay from time to time. Its definitely cheaper to go that route and do it yourself. a decent spray chrome to finish off the armor. The pain is finding an under suit.

You'll also need a pair of Engineer boots. Chippewa, Georgia, etc. make the best...but you can find cheap knock offs all over the place.

Charybdis November 12th, 2009 10:29 AM

Re: Cylon armour prop suits
As far as I know, kropserkel is the only one producing these right now. Total suit for $2000 without weapons...but it does include gloves, boots and undersuit.

I just bought a Cylon helmet from them and it is very nice indeed. I'm still wondering whether I'm tall enough to go in for the rest of the suit!!! Check that, I'm not tall enough and would look pretty stupid as a short Cylon...

oh well....

Gold Cylon November 12th, 2009 10:34 AM

Re: Cylon armour prop suits
I have seen a few short Cylons. I think I have a forum member over at that is about 5'7 or so. He has a Krop suit but doesn't like it, and is upgrading a few pieces at a time to make it more authentic looking.

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