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thomas7g July 18th, 2004 06:14 PM

Space 1999
In the year 1999, a horrible event occured and the moon was blasted out of earth orbit. The poor unfortunate travelers of this runaway moon would have to endure ceaseless enemy attacks cause the universe is one hell of a bad place! Ever alien species is out to screw you for its own wicked dastardly goals.

The special effects were incredible. The Eagles still stand out today as one of those perfectly designed spaceships. Hell...I'm STILL waiting for NASA to build them! And they can too! Also the Moonbase was very well designed. The models still stand the test of time. And the uniforms still look good by today's standards.

But the second year the show went through drastic changes. Bergman mysteriously vanished. A coffee brewing italian was added. And a very sexy alien joined the cast. And the writing changed.

I was wondering... which season do did you like better? The much harder colder scifi oriented first season, or the more action oriented second season?


braxiss July 18th, 2004 06:21 PM

i never wacthed an episode, so i'm not really the one to give input

BST July 18th, 2004 06:39 PM

Ya know, I loved that show when it was on but, only saw the episodes a few times then, nothing for the past 20 years or so. Methinks a reminder is needed. I would like to get the DVD's if they're available.

Tom, you're right about the Eagle -- the simplicity of the design is what amazed me and it would be an excellent model for NASA to consider. But, they've got to come up with a workable propulsion system first. The present hydrogen / oxygen fuel system is for the birds.

Gemini1999 July 19th, 2004 12:29 AM


Originally Posted by thomas7g
In the year 1999, a horrible event occured and the moon was blasted out of earth orbit. The poor unfortunate travelers of this runaway moon would have to endure ceaseless enemy attacks cause the universe is one hell of a bad place! Ever alien species is out to screw you for its own wicked dastardly goals.

The special effects were incredible. The Eagles still stand out today as one of those perfectly designed spaceships. Hell...I'm STILL waiting for NASA to build them! And they can too! Also the Moonbase was very well designed. The models still stand the test of time. And the uniforms still look good by today's standards.

But the second year the show went through drastic changes. Bergman mysteriously vanished. A coffee brewing italian was added. And a very sexy alien joined the cast. And the writing changed.

I was wondering... which season do did you like better? The much harder colder scifi oriented first season, or the more action oriented second season?


Tom -

You've focused on one of the classic SciFi shows that is near and dear to my heart (I own both seasons on DVD!). When I was a young lad of 15, Space:1999 blew into my life - at the time, there was almost nothing to watch except for ST:TOS reruns. When it first came out, I thought that Space:1999 was one of the most stylish sci fi shows to be produced and still feel that way for the most part.

As to the question of whether Year 1 or Year 2 of Space:1999 is better? Well. if you'd asked me that question almost 30 years ago, I would have gone with the more colorful, faster paced Year 2, but after all these years, it is Year 1 that captures my attention when I go back to the DVDs and watch it again. Year 1 has a very stark, calm, almost 2001-like attitude about it, where Year 2 feels like a Saturday-morning romp thru the galaxy with monsters running about.

I did like the addition of the characters of Tony Verdeschi (He brews beer, not coffee) and Maya. They were fun additions, but never really fleshed out as characters by the end of the second series. I did miss wise, old Professor Bergman and Koenig's right hand man, Paul Morrow as well.

There was to be a third season of Space:1999, but Sir Lew Grade and ITC turned to producing films instead of TV series. Space was never a ratings blockbuster, but it did have something about it. It was ahead of its time, considering that it was the first sci fi show sold into syndication as a first-run series.

Ahh, the memories of Moonbase Alpha!

Chrysler new yorker specifications

Rowan July 19th, 2004 12:39 AM
fun web site!;) :D

thomas7g July 19th, 2004 03:18 AM

Don't forget the Eagle II site! Its an absolute MUST SEE for fans of the show!

The guy who owns it created a ed cgi model of the Eagle down to EVERY SINGLE SCREW AND BOLT!

Its an absolutely gorgeous model. The best work Ive ever seen. You can't beat this kind of model building unless you build it for real. Make sure you look in the downloads section for sme insanely detailed desktop images!

Bryan! I'm glad you liked it too!!!!

Is there any episode you liked best? For some reason... the one I remember most is the one where aliens gave the moon an atmosphere for a day. :)

thomas7g July 19th, 2004 03:29 AM

And here is another site you may like with a great cutaway view :D

Rowan July 19th, 2004 03:42 AM

Thomas get to bed! LOL! 3:30 am! indeed!;) :D
LOL! I know look who's talkin' ;) :D

Gemini1999 July 19th, 2004 07:34 AM


Originally Posted by Rowan

Rowan -

It's funny that you should point out that particular website... It belongs to a good friend of mine that lives back east - his name is Ken Scott and he's one of the nicest guys you could ever meet. He's also not a bad website designer either!

Tom - I have one of the posters from the Eagle II website - they are indeed incredibly detailed and a real CGI generated achievement. I also have Roberto Baldassari's cutaway eagle poster as well.

If you want to know everything there is to know about Space:1999, you'll have to visit Martin Willey's Catacombs website (I think that there's a link at as well) I would point you directly to it, but my PC's not having it with Space:1999. net for some reason.

Tom - the episode you described is called "The Last Sunset" - it happens to be one of my favorite episodes. If I had to pick an absolute favorite from each season, here are my picks:

Year 1: a tie between "Another Time, Another Place" and "Testament of Arkadia"

Year 2: an easy choice: "The Immunity Syndrome" (yes, I know that there's a Trek episode with the same name...)
Alejandro De Tomaso

Gemini1999 July 19th, 2004 07:42 AM


Originally Posted by BST
Ya know, I loved that show when it was on but, only saw the episodes a few times then, nothing for the past 20 years or so. Methinks a reminder is needed. I would like to get the DVD's if they're available.

Pete -

The DVDs for Space:1999 have been available for a few years now - you can either buy them in one complete set (called a superset) or you can buy them in 2-disk packs that have 3 episodes on each disk. You can still find them in Best Buy, Circuit City, etc... If you want to save some money, you can cruise eBay and buy them too.

If you just want to revisit an episode or two, you can rent the DVDs from That's the great thing about Netflix if you're short of cash and can't buy the whole series, just rent it! My suggestion is to start with any of the Year 1 episodes and if you feel brave, move on to Year 2.

Rowan July 19th, 2004 12:15 PM


Originally Posted by Gemini1999
Rowan -

It's funny that you should point out that particular website... It belongs to a good friend of mine that lives back east - his name is Ken Scott and he's one of the nicest guys you could ever meet. He's also not a bad website designer either!

Really? that's very cool! I really enjoyed his site spent a few hours there last night or should I say earlier today LOL!

Ian_W359 July 19th, 2004 01:08 PM

I have some of the UK issue DVDs of Space : 1999 - 4 volumes of season one - each with 4 episodes plus various extras (including an advert for a Space : 1999 ice lolly!).

Even though my earliest memories of Space : 1999 were of watching re-runs of season 2 in the late '70s (one episode of which put me off eating 'Cornish pasties' for many years!), I seem to enjoy season 1 a lot more... not that season 2 isn't that bad either.

All the best,
Ian W359

BST July 19th, 2004 01:59 PM


Originally Posted by Gemini1999
Pete -

The DVDs for Space:1999 have been available for a few years now - you can either buy them in one complete set (called a superset) or you can buy them in 2-disk packs that have 3 episodes on each disk. You can still find them in Best Buy, Circuit City, etc... If you want to save some money, you can cruise eBay and buy them too.

If you just want to revisit an episode or two, you can rent the DVDs from That's the great thing about Netflix if you're short of cash and can't buy the whole series, just rent it! My suggestion is to start with any of the Year 1 episodes and if you feel brave, move on to Year 2.

Thanks, Bryan.

I'll be buying them, just a matter of when. Now, that we have most of my daughter's soccer expenses paid for the year, I'm all but tapped out for "big" expenses. This one shouldn't be too bad, though, and then, there's always birthday and Christmas.

(I'll get 'em!! ) ;)

Krystal July 19th, 2004 02:18 PM

I just love it, but have to vote uhmmmm...errrrr...... because I don't remember details of it much less the differences between the seasons. :duck: I didn't know there was dvd's of it out there. I have to add that to my list of dvds to check out.


July 21st, 2004 10:26 AM

Year one was definitely better than year two. The first year was cerebral, mysterious and introspective. Year two was much more cartoony and action oriented. In a way, the two seasons are like paralell universes to each other. While they share the same location and characters (with some personel changes) they are very different in tone. That said, I still like Space: 1999 as a whole. The show had some great stories, likeable characters and great pre-CGI special effects. Some of the episodes were stinkers, but many of the episodes were real gems. I would rather watch any episode of Space: 1999 rather than sit through ST Voyager, Enterprise or Moore's Galactica. While scientifically ridiculous, I get a charge out of the notion that our Moon is traveling therough the cosmos entering a new solar system every week. I remember when the show first came out how there was friction between Star Trek Fans and Space:1999 fans. Some people believed there was room for only one show. You had to be a fan of one show or the other. It seems silly today with so much science fiction movies and TV shows available. But in 1976, Trek reruns and Space episodes were the only game in town. Space: 1999 has a very strong presence on the web. One site is called the Space: 1999 catacombs. If you could visit only one site on this show this would be it. You could literally spend days going through all the content on this site.

peter noble July 22nd, 2004 05:27 AM

Second season rules! it's got Catherine Schell as Maya in it, what more could you ask for?

I hope they do a remake as Space 2099.


thomas7g July 22nd, 2004 01:03 PM

Was anyone else almost disapointed the moon hung around in the year 1999?


kingfish July 22nd, 2004 02:31 PM

Rowan that rocks. :thumbsup:

kingfish July 22nd, 2004 02:35 PM


Originally Posted by peter noble
Second season rules! it's got Catherine Schell as Maya in it, what more could you ask for?

I hope they do a remake as Space 2099.


Maya the metamorph. This idea can be traced back to tos Trek since Fred Freiberger was also involved. I believe that maya is bases upon the Garth of Izar character in Whom Gods Destroy. Garth is horribly injured and is healed by a race known as Antosians. However the cure causes him to go insane.

Raymar3d July 22nd, 2004 08:29 PM

Hi all,

I got the entire series on DVD for Christmas year before last, and I have to say that I really enjoyed revisiting Space1999. I had not seen the bulk of the episodes since their first-run, and hardly any of the second season episodes at all.

My only critical comment about the show is that sometimes the music was overpowering, and some of it is very dated. Not the main themes, mind you, those were awesome (even if they are a little discoey) I'm thinking of one episode in particular that had a fantastic story and was hurt severely by music that sounded like it was from a bad adult film. It was an episode where the Alphans encounter a ship that was damaged in travel and has two societies on board, similar to the races in the story of the time machine, the Eloi and the cannibals in the tunnels underground. The difference was the cannibals were the pretty ones in this story. Great story bad music.

I always loved the Eagles. I have a three foot toy at home right now, slightly battle-damaged over the years.

Wish they would've kept the first season cast and then added Tony and Maya to them.


July 22nd, 2004 08:53 PM

It is true that the music was at time a bit jarring. I don't remember the title of the episode, but there is one sequence where Koenig and some other Alphans are running in slow motion on the surface of the moon. The music shifts to electronic disco music for no reason and really takes you out of the show. However, I find this to be the exception in a show that had great music. Unlike the tuneless, abstract tonalities that passes for music on post-tos trek and mini Galactica, Space 1999 was a show that musically said: you are on a grand journey across the cosmos!

Raymar3d July 22nd, 2004 09:15 PM

Hi Bijou88,

I agree, most of the time it was fine. Just the occasional over-the-top dates it badly. If it were more like 2001 a Space Odyssey, using classical music, it would work much better and hold up more, IMHO. Still, I love the show, and even though it sounds like I'm ragging on the music, it was only like twice it happened to really bother me. Most of the time, it was fine. I love the two main themes. :)

Space 1999 has a unique feel and some fantastic stories.


Ian_W359 July 23rd, 2004 03:54 PM

I know of at least two season one episodes of Space : 1999 that heavily use classical music....

Space Brain (Moonbase Alpha gets covered in foam - foam party!) - this used 'Mars' from Holst's 'The Planets'

Dragons Domain (A veteran space pilot revisits a graveyard of ships, and its alien inhabitant) - 'Adagio in G Minor' by Albinoni

It's true that the stylistic differences between the two seasons do carry over into the music. Season one was scored by long time associate of Gerry Anderson - Barry Gray (Gray also scored Thunderbirds, Captain Scarlet, UFO, Stingray and more...) - the more orchestral of the two seasons, yet reflecting music of the period. The second season was scored by Derek Wadsworth - more uptempo, and sometimes 'far out'!

All the best,
Ian W359

amberstar July 23rd, 2004 04:54 PM


Originally Posted by kingfish
Rowan that rocks. :thumbsup:

Didto!!!!!! :D

*First Season got my vote*

thomas7g July 23rd, 2004 06:14 PM

:duck: I actually voted with season two.

I loved the first season's dark serious mood. And the set and costume design and the models were absolutely GORGEOUS.

I liked Victor. And I thought Koenig was better in the first season (hough he was good in the second two) But his dramatic appeal I thought was better in a less adventure format.

But the reason I went with season two was that the storie's logic flaws were better if you didn't try to be so serious. So it was easier for me to just enjoy the show. Plus I liked Tony and LOOVED Maya.

Also I thought Helena had more appeal when she became more warm in season two.

The shows I remember liking the most were:

-The pilot where the moon was blasted out of orbit.

-When the moon was given an atmosphere for a day.

-The spaceship graveyard and that monster which FREAKED LITTLE TOMMY OUT!!!!! EW! It had tentacles and swallowed them and spit out dead corpses!!!!!!

-When the moon was on a collision course and just touched the other planet!

-The first appearance of Catherine Schell when the planet had all these white balls, and the Alphans came down and were happily zoned out.

-Maya's first introduction to Alpha

Ya know... I think I enjoyed season two more...but I really only remember the first season.


Gemini1999 July 23rd, 2004 07:18 PM

Tom -

I would like to thank you again for starting this topic - it's been an interesting discussion...

You wanna know something that scares me? All those episodes you outlined just now - I can name the title of every one without even peeking! I'm not really sure if I should brag about such a thing....!

No2 vaporizer reviews

thomas7g July 23rd, 2004 09:01 PM

LOL! That's not healthy!!!!!!

Just joking! Though I have to admit... I use to be worse with Star Trek. You could show me any single frame of video, and I could name the episode!!!

I'm glad you enjoyed the thread too! I think its been great. We need to do a few more. Any ideas?

Rowan July 23rd, 2004 11:26 PM


Originally Posted by thomas7g

-The spaceship graveyard and that monster which FREAKED LITTLE TOMMY OUT!!!!! EW! It had tentacles and swallowed them and spit out dead corpses!!!!!!

;) :D Look out Little Tommy there HEEEEEEEERRRRRRE

Rowan July 23rd, 2004 11:30 PM

The monsters I remember best are these

;) :D

thomas7g July 23rd, 2004 11:31 PM

ACK! That't the thing that gave me nightmares!!!!!!

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