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WARDAGGIT73 February 9th, 2004 04:56 PM

What other Sci-Fi/Space Opera shows do you appreciate?

amberstar February 9th, 2004 05:39 PM

I enjoyed a few of the above but I also liked Sliders and "V".

Amber ;)

Gemini1999 February 9th, 2004 05:58 PM

"Oh, the pain... the pain...."
I basically wound up checking two-thirds of the list, but for my "Other" - I would like to throw in Lost in Space. I know that it's full of "cheese" and "corn", but it was my first SciFi series that I ever saw at the tender age of five. Muffit would never forgive me if I didn't mention one of "our" favorite shows!

I'm having a ball watching the First Season LIS DVD set these days!

Best to all,
Marijuana rehab advice

callsignfalcon February 9th, 2004 06:00 PM

I like most star trek variants cept the last season or two of ds9, babylon 5, lexx, FARSCAPE!!!, Red Dwarf..... and:

The Other:

stargate, stargate, stargate, stargate... :D

and lotsa space anime (Gundam Wing for ex), transformers >.<

Firefly... erm... Crusade, 1st two seasons of andromeda...

WHen i was younger i really liked the half hour sci-fi teen show Space Cases (sings the theme... 'stuck aboard a mystery ship, which soon was sucked through a spacial rip, and now their stuck on a long, long trip,), and Animorphs (there was a short lived tv show on nickelodeon of the book series)

Sci-Fi February 9th, 2004 06:17 PM

Since I enjoy just about all sci-fi, I really don't have any favorites. If you include cartoons and animation, I would strongly suggest picking up the dvd's for Roughnecks: Starship Troopers Chronicles. The story arcs and characters are very strong and interesting. The fan following and support for a continuation is as or more rabid as some of the other more well known/publicized programs.

Each of the programs listed in the poll has it's strengths and weaknesses and a different way of story telling. Just about every show, sci-fi or not, has a "filler" or "clip" episode as well as memorable ones. It all depends on whether the viewer is drawn in by the vision of the writers, depth of the characters, and the overall and minor story arcs. Of course there are programs that are so bad, they become hilarious or even achieve cult status. How many people remember "Space Mutiny"? Just about all the BSG special effects and even the ships were

shiningstar February 9th, 2004 06:18 PM

I loved V and Sliders too. I forgot about those too .......OH and I
absolutely LOVE SG1.

Stray Viper February 9th, 2004 07:17 PM

voted for ST:OS, and ST:NG (who didn't?), B5, Space Above and Beyond.


V, Earth2, the short-lived cartoon Invasion America, and the modern-day continuation of War of the Worlds (sometime in the late 80's I think).

shiningstar February 9th, 2004 07:25 PM

OH I forgot about THAT ONE! I loved that series. I thought
Richard Chavez and Jared Martin and Oh yes Joe Morton were
fantastic actors. I still like them!

callsignfalcon February 9th, 2004 09:13 PM

oooh! Earth2 I loved that! That came out when i was in what... the second grade? My parents didn't like me watching it.... not that they even let me watch Power Rangers... tho i watched at least a season of both shows >.< I am so so not understand why I even liked latter.... still irked about not being able to watch the former :(

shiningstar February 10th, 2004 12:16 PM

I watched Earth2. It certainly wasn't that violent. However your parents
were only doing what they thought best for you ..........because they loved
you and wanted to protect you.

Antelope February 10th, 2004 12:22 PM

I forgot about V but liked it when it came out. Read an article once that said the writer based it on the then ongoing war against communism in Central America. Believe it or not the bad guy aliens represented the U.S. and the freedom fighters were the communist. Not my version of history but a good show none the less. I liked all versions of Star Trek but have to admit Enterprise in particular and to some extent Voyager and DS9 became hit or miss on good storylines. I am a little surprised Stargate isn't in the poll. I bet that is the best scifi show on television at the moment. I watched most of the Space: Above and Beyond episodes. I kept waiting for it to get better but it never seemed to get there. It was too dark. I think there are some good lessons in Space: Above and Beyond for the new Galactica series. A dark real world is good but some cheer and comedy have to be there somewhere if people are going to watch week after week. I wasn't a big Babylon 5 fan at first but it grew on me. Loved the episodes after the first season but it burned itself out near the end. I think it was a good example of a show that should have ended at the end of a war and left it at that. I think Star Trek DS9 did a good job ending their series although a multi-episode war is not as easy to syndicate after a series is over (If you know the end why watch the middle). I think a lot of the success of the X-files was that most of the stories are free standing but a fraction lead you on a bigger overall story. You need the big story for the original seasons but rerun episodes are best free standing.

nccdee February 10th, 2004 12:29 PM

Shameful...just can someone not mention Doctor Who (Tom Baker being the best).

EXTERMINATE!!! EXTERMINATE!!! Hmmm hope the Cylons aren't looking for some allies.


shiningstar February 10th, 2004 12:40 PM

I liked Xfiles but had to tape the ep's as they were far too violent for my kids.

I always watched the eps after I knew the babes were fast asleep. If they
awoke up then the TV went off.

flyingamoeba February 10th, 2004 12:41 PM

I also like StargateSG1, Incredible Hulk, Shazam, Friday tye 13th, Misfits of Science,Knight Rider, X-files, V, The list goes on and on.

Dr. Who, that's right.

shiningstar February 10th, 2004 12:44 PM

I know what you mean ............... each time when I 'think' I've listed
every Scifi show I've ever liked ..............I see a new one up there that
I watched, loved and simply didn't remember.

nccdee February 10th, 2004 12:59 PM

Someone mention Earth2? Ship leave to colonize another planet but the ship is sabotage soon after leaving. But wait...that's "Earth Ship Voyager (1988)". Anyone remember that one?

Well, if you going to mention all the show from the 80's....add Powers of Matthew Star, Manimal, Auotman...and of course, Starman.

...Shazam??...did they make a primetime show for that? I remember the Saturday morning one with Isis, Bigfoot and Wildboy, Ark II, Space Academy/Jason of Star Command.


Malkyte February 10th, 2004 01:04 PM

Other = V and StargateSG1

WARDAGGIT73 February 10th, 2004 01:13 PM

Whoops, I totally Forgot Docter Who, it declined very sharply after Peter Davison left. Then again no series is perfect , just compare the first season of Space 1999 with the silly second season, the third and bizarre season of Star Trek. In a way it may have been good that BG didn't continue as some of these shows ended up sullying themselves...

flyingamoeba February 10th, 2004 01:17 PM


Originally Posted by nccdee
Someone mention Earth2? Ship leave to colonize another planet but the ship is sabotage soon after leaving. But wait...that's "Earth Ship Voyager (1988)". Anyone remember that one?

Well, if you going to mention all the show from the 80's....add Powers of Matthew Star, Manimal, Auotman...and of course, Starman.

...Shazam??...did they make a primetime show for that? I remember the Saturday morning one with Isis, Bigfoot and Wildboy, Ark II, Space Academy/Jason of Star Command.


ah yes, Starman and Manimal. Remember the Phoenix?

unowhoandwhy February 10th, 2004 01:32 PM

Can I add in my "Stargate Stargate Stargate" comment? MacGyver rules!!! Er... um... I mean "Jack O'Neil rules!"

I also admit (in the anonymity of cyberspace) that I liked Lost in Space, Land of the Giants & Firefly (to name a few).

Now that I think about it, listing Sci Fi shows I DIDN'T like would probably be easier. :)

callsignfalcon February 10th, 2004 04:22 PM

X-files.... hmm I liked perhaps the first few seasons.... up untill mulder left pretty much.

bsg1fan1975 February 11th, 2004 12:34 PM

V was one of my favorites. I also started to enjoy another sci fi show that was on CBS back in the early 90's. I believe they made only six episodes of the show and then it was cancelled for somew unknown reason. I think it was called Space Rangers or something to that effect!

cobrastrikelead February 11th, 2004 03:53 PM

Battle Beyond the Stars.

Tibbetts February 11th, 2004 04:06 PM

You forgot Doctor Who? How could you forget Doctor Who? :cry: *sniff*

Dragon Lord Tibbetts :D

Tibbetts February 11th, 2004 04:09 PM

In Addendum....
Let's not forget the following:

Doctor Who
SeaQuest DSV
Dark Skies

.... and many others. :D

With Respect,

Dragon Lord Tibbetts :salute:

jewels February 11th, 2004 05:00 PM

Quantum Leap
Dr. Who
Sequest DSV

and this really short-lived show called Time Cop I think.... ;)

Boomer65 February 11th, 2004 05:13 PM


Originally Posted by Dragon Lord
Let's not forget the following:

Doctor Who
SeaQuest DSV
Dark Skies

Sliders was so cool when it first came out. But the series lost something critical when the Prof. died. I liked Kari Wuhrer but the rest of the cast changes just killed it for me. Still, I'd like to get that series on DVD one day.

oldwardaggit February 11th, 2004 06:51 PM

I like almost all that was listed except Earth final conflict. I really tried to watch it but for me it was the littlest hobo of sci fi. I guess you would have to live here in Canada to catch on to that one.

Hey Wardaggit73, I dig that handle. :)

Jeeper February 11th, 2004 07:26 PM

said in jest.....Nobody mentioned "Ultraman" ! !!!!!

OK....ok, I'll go back under my rock and lurk for a while....

Dawg February 11th, 2004 07:43 PM

I remember Ultraman - from, like, 1962 or something, right?

I am

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