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BSG_Sci_FiPulse May 4th, 2003 01:18 PM

Remake Hell.
It would appear that Battlestar Galactica is not the only victom of the current Hollywood trend.

Nothing is safe now.

In an article in the new edition of the UK Magazine Dreamwatch three classic Hollywood movies have been slated to be remade. Now although the movies I am about to mention are not Sci Fi. They happen to be firm family favorates and starred such names as Carey Grant, Jimmy Stewart and Danny Kaye. Yes all the above names are dead, but they are all as irraplacable in their roles as Lorne Green is to Galactica.

The three movies which are undergoing the frenzyed remake are:

Harvey which stared Jimmie Stewart, the premise of which was about a man and a talking Rabbit that only he could see.

Topper which starred the late Carey Grant.

And Hans Christian Anderson which starred Danny Kaye in the title role.

The new version of Hans Christian Anderson will star Jim Carey.

The new version of Topper will star Steve Martin

and the new version of Harvey will star John Travolta.

So it appears that at present in Hollywood no franchise is safe. The moment they remake 'It's A Wonderful Life' am emergrating to a none english speaking country.

KJ May 4th, 2003 02:04 PM

Strange? how you just put this up Pulse, i was gonna start my own thread but i'll respond to yours with some strong evidence to add to it.

This ladies and gentlemen is from on the recent Starsky and Hutch remake going on.


You can check those out at the link above. 'Mark' also told us about an article in the British newspaper Daily Mail, in which original star David Soul addresses his concerns about the upcoming movie...

But while many fans will welcome the movie, Soul is outraged at the decision to use different actors.

"They ain't Starsky and Hutch and to cast them as such cheats a huge audience who grew up with Glaser and Soul in the roles," he said.

"Their decision to make this kind of picture is an insult to the intelligence of the audience and the real warm feelings S&H still engenders in the collective memory of millions of viewers."

He complained that it would simply be "another one of those bad, glitzy action pieces, like Charlie's Angels".

Remake indeed huh, not what an original star wants or says fans will like, sounds similar to a certain situation doesn't it!


kingfish May 4th, 2003 02:13 PM

Remakes are safe because it already exists. Studios fear the unknown and an established brand name is always looked upon favorably.

KJ May 4th, 2003 02:19 PM

Where did the tag Viper pilot come from? With all the CF board sillyness going on you get to be a viper pilot and most of us demoted "Master pilots" get to be on shuttle duty again.



bsg1fan1975 May 5th, 2003 04:58 AM

I have a copy of the old version of Harvey. Its a shame that they are going to destroy it.

jewels May 5th, 2003 04:47 PM

It's a wonderful life has had some reimages already, Ian. Marlo Thomas was in one. It's on late night Christmastime cable deathwatch if shown at all.

That original can NEVER be touched. Jimmy & Donna and Frank Capra....It can NEVER be touched. Nothing could ever write over that. (Favorite movie, can you tell :D)

Remake HARVEY??? *piercing pain in her temple* Aaaauuuugggh. Leave Jimmy alone, Hollywood. Sometimes once is PERFECT.

I thought they did Topper already, 10-15 years ago, maybe 20 as a remake....hmmmm.

kingfish May 5th, 2003 05:16 PM

Didn't Arnold Schwarzenegger do a remake of Christmas In Connecticut?

BST May 5th, 2003 05:25 PM


That original can NEVER be touched. Jimmy & Donna and Frank Capra....It can NEVER be touched.
I agree, jewels, there is absolutely nothing needed to "make it better". It's terrific as it is!!

Since you mentioned (sort of) favorite movies, mine is The Ten Commandments. Even though I taped it/edited for commercials, I still look forward to 'watching it live' @ Eastertime. I love it because of the story, the cast, the epic production, the costumes, the sets and if ANYONE even has a half a thought about re-making TTC, I will absolutely crucify them!! (Verbally, of course). Whoa, where'd that come from?

It's true, though, there are some shows/movies, etc that are perfect, as they are, and don't need to be changed. It's A Wonderful Life is one of those gems, The Ten Commandments is another.


Scooter2000 May 5th, 2003 08:52 PM

What's up Ian?

You can not remake It's a Wonderful.

Actually Ian they did remake It's a Wonderful Life and it tanked.

Instead of George Baily was a women in this version and it was horrible.

(Starbuck anyone?)

I think it was produced sometime in the seventies.

bsg1fan1975 May 5th, 2003 09:30 PM

I say never touch a classic. Its the best way to alienate the masses.

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