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thomas7g April 25th, 2003 01:07 AM

What’s a warrior to do after he lost the big one?
The title doesn’t reflect any sort of surrender.


We lost perhaps THE big battle. We were deceived by the Baltars. And like the original colonial fleet we got clobbered.

So where do we go from here?

The Ron Moore version of Apollo, after he lost his brother, became whiny, bitter brat towards his father. A jerk. That version of Apollo deals with defeat by showing the ugly side of humanity. He’s an Asshole. That is not what we respect.

On the other hand, Hatch’s Apollo faced the defeat of all mankind, the loss of their home, their nation, the death of his mother and his brother …he was devastated…but there was an incredible heroic quality to him! That is the difference between OUR galactica and THEIRS. After the universe was lost, one of his first decisions is to comfort a little boy who is broken hearted over the loss of his beloved daggit. Apollo is charming, he is charismatic. A simple act but it shines with Apollo’s inner nobility.

On these forums, after the new film began, we were disheartened, we became angry. We lost everything. WE have vented our frustrations at anyone who dares post anything positive about the nouveau film. US vs. THEM.

We have acted like the Ron Moore version of Apollo.

That is not what Galactica is about. And as lover of Galactica deep down we relate and understand that graceful nobility of maintaining yourself when the whole universe goes horribly wrong. That geat humanity of our Apollo is within us all.

We have to become like the heroes we admire.

So no more self-pity. No more self-destructive anger. We are sadden, but we don’t wallow in depression.

We stand for what Galactica is. We represent that morality. We will not go quietly in the night. WE are united by this. WE stand strong. Years from now, after that other imitation galactica is forgotten we will still be a community standing for those grand ideals of the crew of Galactica.

When we see someone trolling… we do not attack. They love to see us lose it. Instead their threads WILL die from loneliness. Because there is no soul in their posts. And we will not give those threads life by being petty and immature. We will give the trolls no food to feast on.

We welcome people, with the charm of Apollo and Starbuck. Even those from that french canadian shadow. Because we ARE a good noble people here. And good and noble people act good and noble.

We will become our heroes.

thomas7g April 25th, 2003 01:10 AM

Please reply to this thread here:

Thank you!

And thank you for being part of our clan!

thomas7g April 25th, 2003 01:44 AM


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