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emerita April 13th, 2003 02:20 PM

There Are Those That Believe..........
OK, I'm starting this one again..... For the new warriors, this is a thread with an on going story. Add to it in the first person and only say what you yourself or a made up character would be doing........

Em walks around the corridors of the ship wondering what had happened. It feels almost like the langoliers have come. She looks for all her friends and the drunken beavers. Em pulls her weapon when she hears a loud crash down the corridor. She advances slowly. as she turns the corridor corner she sees......................

kingfish April 13th, 2003 05:37 PM

Kingfish holding up a large sign which says, "Kingfish for dogcatcher."...............

Flamingo Girl April 13th, 2003 06:38 PM

"Dog catcher?" asks FG. "You know what we really need around here is a beaver catcher."

bsg1fan1975 April 13th, 2003 09:50 PM

Bsg wanders in moping and sniffling a bit. She is looking at the floor and nearly collides with Em. "Sorry," she mumbles as she sinks to the floor. "I'm not having a good day." She looks around to see if the beavers. "Seen Muffit around?"

kingfish April 14th, 2003 07:47 AM

Hi BSG have a cool one on me."

emerita April 14th, 2003 08:50 AM

Em gives Bsg a hug, "Come on let's see what the galley has for the blas...I programmed the replicator for hot fudge sundies last week. Also Rocky Road....." As they all walk toward the galley, they hear..............

Dawg April 14th, 2003 09:11 AM

Dawg, with a great gnashing of teeth, shred Kingfish's "Kingfish for dogcatcher" sign into a great many tiny, confetti-like pieces, which he then sprinkles over the heads of his friends, while giggling maniacally. This, of course, causes his friends to...

emerita April 14th, 2003 09:59 AM

Start sneezing uncontrolably....Em gets up and turns on the air intake to suck out the confetti. Unfortunately, that takes the confetti straight to the bridge where they...............

Flamingo Girl April 14th, 2003 10:23 AM inthe puddles of ambrosa left over from the last thread and soak it all up, leaving clumps of sticky wet paper everywhere.

bsg1fan1975 April 14th, 2003 06:56 PM

"Aww thnks Em. Just missing my boyfriend is all that is wrong." Bsg watches Dawg shred Kingfish's sign and reaches into the room behind her. She brings out a tear proof sign and presents it to Kingfish. "Here ya go. Keep on campaigning." :p

emerita April 16th, 2003 10:05 AM

The drunked beavers ran to the bridge and sucked all the ambrosia out of the confetti. They started staggering around, laughing...suddenly.................

newt April 16th, 2003 10:55 AM

newt rises from behind the commander's chair, half a bottle of ambrosia in hand, cigar in the other. "Won this from Starbuck" he says, indicating the cigar, " in a game of..."

bsg1fan1975 April 16th, 2003 03:26 PM

"Pin the tail on the cylon?", Bsg asks with a gigle. "Where'd Starbuck pin the tail on?"

Flamingo Girl April 16th, 2003 06:47 PM

Flamingo Girl limps past.

"Don't ask."

newt April 16th, 2003 07:00 PM

Newt turns around and points to his behind. "Right here. He cleaned me out in cards; I exclaimed "Perfect pyramid, my ass!" and he thought it funny to do this. That's ok, what til he sees what I did to his Viper!"

He then takes Kingfis's ripped sign, puts an X through Dog, and writes "Daggit". "This is Galactica, no dogs, just daggits!"

Just then a loud boom echoed through the bridge. "What was that?"

emerita April 17th, 2003 10:54 AM

everyone turned to the view screen to see.......................

Flamingo Girl April 17th, 2003 08:00 PM

The promo for Star Wars: Eppisode XVIII.

bsg1fan1975 April 17th, 2003 08:08 PM

Bsg tries to control her laughter as she sees the beavers run in with Starbuck's uniform with Starbuck chasing them and yelling. She turns to Em and Kingfish. "Now that's something you don't see everyday", she says as Starbuck flees the room to the cheering and catcalls of the female warriors.

Boxey April 18th, 2003 08:57 PM

*Boxey wanders around the halls after eating a nice sirloin steak and vegeys and a hot fudge sundae looking toward the ground and then bumbs into BSG* "Oops,excuse me Ma'am!" "Had you seen Muffit around I got some mushys I made for him?" "And when are you going to take me for a ride in your viper BSG?" "You been promising me that for a long time." "Looks up at her with so big eyes."

Sept17th April 18th, 2003 11:46 PM

When suddenly everyone re-acts to a large explosion on the bridge. Busting through the shaderd pannel and wires exclaims, "I AM CYLON UPGRADE MASTER PILOT SEPT17TH, YOU WILL ALL BE ASSIMILATED...RESISTANCE IS FUTILE MY SPINE IS GLOWING"


bsg1fan1975 April 19th, 2003 03:51 AM

Bsg had been about to answer Boxey when she was thrown off her feet by the explosion. "Dang beavers, had to be playing in Dr. Wilker's lab again." She gets to her feet and looks around for her friends.

Flamingo Girl April 19th, 2003 06:42 PM

Flamingo Girl quickly tosses a bucket of water on Sept17th, thereby short-circuiting him and rusting his joints.

She places him prominately in the hall hoping to attract muffit, to cause further short-circiuting and rusting.

Sept17th April 20th, 2003 09:56 AM

With back up circuts coming online and being made from a titanium super alloy polymer that does not rust Sept17th makes it's way back to the bridge...blaster rifle "set for fun"

newt April 20th, 2003 05:03 PM

"Sept...didn't we come off the same assembly line?"

Newt pours some of the ambrosia into a glass, setting it near a vent. "Daggits may lik emushies, but they also like to get swaked" he explained as he jumped over some beavers, not understaning why they're there but not sure why he's there as well.

Suddenly another figure walked through the hole caused by the explosion...worse than Lucifer, a worse traitor than Baltar, more evil than Iblis, it's...

emerita April 21st, 2003 08:47 AM

Bonnie Hammer!!!. Em looks at her in anazement wondering how she got back after they got rid of her the last time.....As Bonnie steps over the drunken beavers, Em notices that there is a glow in her eyes. Em raises her blaster and fires. Bonnie is thrown back against the wall and starts to crackle and short circuit. Em stands over her and shakes her head," Just like her to send in a replacement to do her dirty work. She is such a coward. Suddenly they hear a loud crackle and a bright flash through the hole in the wall......they all turn to see.........

newt April 21st, 2003 12:40 PM

William Shatner! "Is this...where..I audition...for Adama?" Bill asks. "Is it going to be big...really big?" Bill Shatner then starts singing "Lucy in the Sky With Diamonds as he steps over the drunk beavers to the turbolift. He locks himself in a closet, not realizing there are no turbolifts on this ship.

Newt notices that Hammer's spine is glowing slightly. "Blaster set to "fun"...Newt mutters, and fires a shot at the glowing spine; ceasing its glow.

"I need stronger ambrosia...."

Sept17th April 23rd, 2003 07:08 PM

Sept17th gently picks up the body of BonniebroomstickDroid and heads for the lab...blaster rifle "set for fun" stepping on a beaver along the way.

emerita April 28th, 2003 03:57 PM

Em walks over to William Shatner," Bill, sweetie, You were a good Kirk.......well,......most of the time....but we need someone.....a....little different for Adama....someone with free flowing speech. Why don't you come with me and we'll get some dinner and you can tell me some Star Trek stories....." As they walked down the corridor to find the rest of the crew, they are knocked back by.................

newt April 28th, 2003 05:12 PM

a Warp Core breach!

Bill Shatner gestures to Em and says "I'll fix problem..." and proceeds to climb down a ladder, passing Ron Moore on the way. Funny how no one seems to notice Moore; he simply snickers and checks the Eveready battery level in his portable cloaking device.

Invsimoore passes by Newt, who is engaged in a conversation with a beaver over ambrosia, and runs into Sept17 carrying BonnieBroomstickDroid. Sept17 drops BonnieBroomstckDroid, causing her to split in two, revealing...

repcisg April 29th, 2003 07:52 PM

... A large yellow slug, slithering out of a green pod with yellow stripes.

Just then repcisg comes flying into the room on roller skates. Seeing the slug he screams, “Bonnie my pet, there you are! I’ve been worried sick about you.”

With that he rolls up to the droid and scoops out the slimy yellow slug, and heads for the door. As he passes into the hall he is heard to say, “the worms in the manure box have missed you.”

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