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martok2112 February 2nd, 2019 08:06 PM

My latest CG build of classic motion...
Hey, all,

Sorry haven't been 'round in a long time....some folks are probably even cursing my return...but, umm...when Fleets disappeared, I figured it was gone for good. Alas, apparently it's back.

So, anyway, I've been rebuilding (for the umpteenth squared time) several of my CG models, and here is a 4 minute, repeating video of my latest build of the classic battlestar, Galactica. If you like it, feel free to download it and, if you have the means, make it a screensaver for your computer, or, save it on an external HDD that you can run on your smart TVs (in repeat mode). This model is still very amateurish when compared to finer builds by more talented artists out there, and even here at Fleets, but I hope you like my humble offering.

There is a version that has the sound of the Galactica's engines throughout the video, but some folks didn't like the rumble. So, here is the silent version. I hope you like. It has clearly come a long way since my first build of the Galactica over 10 yahrens ago. :)

Darrell Lawrence July 30th, 2019 07:02 PM

Re: My latest CG build of classic motion...
Good looking model.
Good motion in the animation.

Nice segues into each motion.

The only issue I have, and unfortunately it's a biggy, is the lighting.

What was this rendered in?

martok2112 July 30th, 2019 09:06 PM

Re: My latest CG build of classic motion...
Hey, Darrell,
Glad you liked it overall. :)

Yeah, that was rendered with iClone 6, which doesn't have near the lighting capabilities of iClone 7. I will do another video later with improved lighting effects, where the Galactica doesn't look like it's about to blind you with its hull. Also, iClone 7 has much better lighting for things like window lights. Engines are deliberately brighter. :D

Darrell Lawrence July 31st, 2019 12:26 AM

Re: My latest CG build of classic motion...
Look forward to it.

Titon August 8th, 2019 03:43 AM

Re: My latest CG build of classic motion...
Nice to see you posting again Steve. Have not been around much myself either but look forward to your progress.


gmd3d October 4th, 2019 01:42 AM

Re: My latest CG build of classic motion...
Nice work Steve

Senmut October 4th, 2019 11:17 AM

Re: My latest CG build of classic motion...

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