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michaelfaries December 31st, 2002 01:26 AM

A very Happy Birthday wish to...
Ian Cullen of Sci Fi Pulse!

Happy HAPPY Nova Yahren, Ian!! Your birthdate makes you a Capricorn, so I guess you're a Caprican. ;)


peter noble December 31st, 2002 03:21 AM

Happy Birthday Ian!


oldwardaggit December 31st, 2002 05:04 AM

Ian, Don't get to drunk...........naaaaaa get loaded. lol

happy birthday


Stevew December 31st, 2002 06:27 AM

Happy birthday Ian
Have a safe new year

cobrastrikelead December 31st, 2002 06:47 AM

Happy Borthday.

jewels December 31st, 2002 08:36 AM

Happy Birthday Ian!
Gee, thought you were just from the U.K., Lucky you to be Caprican. Have a good day!

Apothis December 31st, 2002 09:42 AM

Happy Birthday Ian

conconcv66 December 31st, 2002 09:52 AM

happy birthday

repcisg December 31st, 2002 10:52 AM

Finaly a real Caprican, Happy Birthday!

Muffit December 31st, 2002 01:12 PM

Happy Birthday Ian!


BSG_Sci_FiPulse December 31st, 2002 01:46 PM

Thanks folks,

Hey how you all know about that anyway, I thought I was keeping it all a secret.

Birthday hey whats that.

Yes am pure blooded Caprican lol also though if you actually follow the trends of astrology. You will know that Capricorn is my sun sign, My moon sign is Virgo and my riasing sign is in Scorpio. So guess what. That makes me an emotional and psychological screw up. Yet the men in white coats still havent managed to take me away:)

Normal news coverage at Sci Fi Pulse will most probably resume sometime in the new year. I havent been able to focus on much of anything of late with my Aunt visiting and holding the computer hostage. I also have to figure out what to do with the 2002 trek news archive. Some of the work have done there was pretty good, but am looking for a way in which I can keep the archive but not have it take up so much space on the server. I may well transcribe everything back to word and stick it all on a zip file for people to download should they choose to do so.

michaelfaries December 31st, 2002 03:21 PM


Happy Birthday again... I hired those guys with the funny white coat to take you out "for a long walk." ;)


crash4587 December 31st, 2002 05:42 PM

The only guy's in White coats looking for you, are the one's from the Ship of Lights,Happy B-Day Craig

BSG_Sci_FiPulse December 31st, 2002 08:06 PM

No they don't Capricorns with Scorpio riasing rule. My Father was a full blooded scorp and did not win an argument or a debate with me his entire life. But those debates were of great help to me.

Capricorns are the pragmatic ones of the zodiac. Which is why it was Adama and Apollo who led the fleet. Had a Scorpio been in comand we would not be having this conversation 25 years after the original show lol

Michael tell Richard hi for me lol. May well be knocking at his door in the new year. Am sort of savouring Ressurrection right now. Interesting ladys in cowls hey. Starbucks brain dead again. Which is scary because it only makes him vulnerable for a sex change.

In fact I have an article in mind which you all may like to run. I will get to work on it in the new year. Tracy may like to run something of it as a special thanks to Dirk for creating in my oppinion Galacticas most memorable character. I was a big Starbuck fan lol. I wanted all the women lol. But I grew up more like Apollo damn it. Lifes just not fair grrrr.

Happy new year all, it is 4 hours old here. And I know that those in the Eastern Time Zone will be celebrating in the next hour. So have fun.

BSG_Sci_FiPulse December 31st, 2002 08:12 PM


Originally posted by michaelfaries

Happy Birthday again... I hired those guys with the funny white coat to take you out "for a long walk." ;)


I will get you back for that one Michael, a good Caprican never forgets hehehe. Where my fracking blaster. Oh must of left in the cockpit of my Viper.

I went for some retail therapie earlier and got the extended DVD set of LOTR and Attack Of The Clowns. I have some Galactica stuff already, trouble was they have stopped selling Galactica goods in the big chain of stores. So the only place I can get stuff now is either via Amazon or Forbidden Planet. BTW Michael why not suggest to Richard a tour of the Forbidden Planet outlets for his pending book release this year. Be a good way for him to get a little bit more closer to fans. Thing is Cons are usually big time busy, and quite a lot of fans sometimes opt for the more intimate setting of a book signing.

michaelfaries December 31st, 2002 10:12 PM

Richard says "Happy Birthday, Ian!" (And, no, folks, I'm not making that one up.)

crash4587: I loved your comment. :thumbsup:


dah66 January 1st, 2003 09:24 AM

Hey, happy birthday!

LucianG January 1st, 2003 09:28 AM

Happy birthday, and New Year, Ian.

A fellow Caprican

BSG_Sci_FiPulse January 1st, 2003 12:28 PM

Hell if those white coats from the ship of lights are after me. It can only mean two things. Am count Iblis or have been a very very naughty boy heheh.

Talking of which who here has the lotr box set. I purchased it yesterday and it looks nice in it's wrapper lol. I havent gotton around to watching it yet. But hoping to find a few spare hours once have sobered up a little.

Michael, you may have noticed that I havent posted on any of the script reviews as of yet. Am actually hanging on for one more that is due in and will be doing a reviews round up to try and interpret everyones different points of view.

Regular updated on Sci Fi Pulse will begin again at around the 4 Jan, but I will be trying to post some new Star Trek related material tommorrow.

SS1 January 4th, 2003 01:27 PM

Have a Happy One Ian

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