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Kester Pelagius March 27th, 2009 09:44 AM

Ginoids: Invasion of earth!
While re-reading a certain thread it struck me how the talk of ginoids sounded like a discusion of an alien invasion. The more I pondered this idea a story began to take shape. So I hope you don't mind but I took some liberties to copy-and-paste, with a bit of editing and rewriting, bits and pieces of that dialogue (because it's really great stuff) to create a bit of silly entertainment. Anyway I needed a diversion from working on Galactica Saga. ;)

This is dedicated to the members of Colonial Fleets. Without your fascinating posts this tongue-in-cheek work of fluffy bunny fiction would not have been possible. Hope you enjoy it!



They came from the cold depths of space. At first they seemed friendly. But no one understood them, their motives, their desires. And it became all too clear they were not all that they pretended to be. Now, defeated, their world occupied, mankind stands on the brink of extinction; if not for the efforts of a handful of resistors. But will their efforts be enough?


Scene: A underground bunker.

Nasdy: Some of you won't want to get involved. I can't blame you. After all we've been through you've earned the right to enjoy what remains of life without a fight. I hope you'll wish the rest of us luck and not try to convince us our efforts are hopeless or useless.

Nyar: We're all aware of what a long shot any attempt to counter the ginoid threat is. If it were easy we wouldn't be here, skulking in the dark.

Sellu: Proving our cause is just, our race worthy of fighting for, in the eyes of people who don't at all matter and who have no desire to even attempt to counter the ginoid threat is something else entirely.

Nasdy: I don't have to convince anyone that humanity is worth fighting for. I know what came before, what we lost. My hope and determination is focused on the future. In six years I haven't let the ginoids or their corruption of our planet, for it is our planet, shake my faith in humanity!

Misty (angrily): You're not the only one who feels a need to do something.

Sellu: Nobody is trying to talk you out of anything or make up your mind about anything. My belief is that your efforts will be a waste of time and your words fall on deaf ears.

Nasdy: You think so?

Sellu: Isn't it obvious? I'll listen, and I agree, we don't need to Prove ourselves in the eyes of anyone; but people are tired. Most aren't interested in going to battle with the ginoids.

Nyar: What I miss most is the togetherness that we all shared. And using our own names, why must we use these silly aliases? It's not like the ginoids. .

Sellu: Everyone has one and mine isn't any better or worse than yours.

Nyar (chuckling): What the actual issue is - is can people live with the idea of having something that they really enjoy, made over into another vision? That's what the ginoids are doing to earth, right? So why do it to ourselves, too, you know?

Sellu: I'm going to bed.

Nyar: But we only just got here!

Sellu: I don't see where anyone can meet. There are no tables. There's only a bunch of chairs occupied by people with different opinions.

Nyar: What?

Nasdy (standing): He's right. We're not going to accomplish anything, at least not right now. Like you said we only just got here. Let's settle in, read the reports, then decide on a course of action tomorrow.


Opens with a gratuitous scene of Misty lathering her nubile body in the shower with lots of lingering shots on bare feet, back, shoulders, and arms teasingly covering her bountiful breasts. For those who feel there's no need for such a scene consider how this will distract the audience from the threadbare plot, bargain basement CGI Ginoid FX, and the fact virtually no one can pronounce their character names.

Misty (exiting shower): I don't know if anyone remembers but there IS a lady present. Where are the damn clean towels?

A towel is suddenly tossed toward Misty from the open door way where a myriad of voices can be heard arguing.

Nasdy: I'm not knocking other people's ideas, not at all, but a repeat of our recent debacle with the Ginoid prison won't, in my humble opinion, move us any further forward!

Bastu: But I am telling you the code-key is unique and it's authenticity has been veried!

Nasdy (scowling):

Wenton: what has happened before will happen again. And what has happened before was rumors, hopes, and so on. I was quite active many years ago supporting a revival of our resistence cell. Look where it's gotten us.

Bastu: Fine, you don't like my- our- plan, then there must be a way for all the talent around here to come up with something better! What? No one?

Misty: Excellent point, Bastu. We're all under a lot of pressure. I'm sure we can. .

Bastu (snorting derisively): Well you ALL got a head start with all that information on the Singing Dante project. What did you do? NOTHING! I say STRIKE, strike NOW, strike while the iron is still hot!

Nyar: We have people with the training to infiltrate, I vote we send the call out, make the bastards pay!

Sellu: We all know this is something LONG overdue. But is it the right course of action for here and now?

Bastu: No point putting off until tomorrow what can be done today.

Misty (toweling hair): Fine, let's put it to a vote then.

Distracted by Misty's otherwise glistening naked body the men suddenly quiet down.

Fade to black.


In which the characters are shown to run like chickens with their heads cut off from one place to the other, then back again, accomplishing nothing with their magical resources that never seem to dwindle, like the chain smoking Wenton who never seems to run out of cigarettes, or the lush Nasdy who always seems to find a bottle of whiskey even though he whines on and on and on about how there's no more whiskey in the world.

The dialogue? Pointless, like the non existent plot.

All of which leads up to. .


In which Nasdy has a break down, paints the walls of the bunker white, retreats to his bunk, drinks til he pukes all over himself, wakes up with a pounding hang over and sees what a terrible job he did of painting the walls and starts to paint again until, in a moment of emo angst he just totally loses it and smashes the bucket against the wall.

Nasdy (2 sheets to the wind): Has anybody considered cemetaries as a recruitment venue? Millions of people dying, laid to rest in graveyards every year, and resistance fighters are not exactly in plentiful supply around therre parrts. Yearr-r, we could form a <hic> group, zombie attack farce, and bring in new people to the fight. .

Nasdy falls down, babbling incoherently.

Misty (stumling onto Nasdy): Maybe someone here just might like to clean this mess up!

Sellu: I can't see that he's hurting anybody. Let the man work it out in his own way.

Nyar: We've done stuff before and it hasn't worked, it's probably just finally getting to him.

Misty: I don't care what the problem is, he's blocking the damn hall way!

Sellu and Nyar reluctantly pick up Nasdy and drag him back to his bunk.

Misty continues on down the hall to take another shower. The camera follows, lingering on her swaying hips. She's just starting to work up a good lather in her hair when she hear's Nasdy shouting over the bunker's intercom system.

Nasdy: It's all pointless! At this point it just seems we need to accept our world is coming to a end. Nothing we can do about! POINTLESS!

Cut to exterior scene. Nasdy is sitting in mud, wearing tattered clothing, and lifting a crude wooden cudgel in a effort to crack open a walnut.

Camera slowly pans to the right, where a man with a ruddy colored goatee stands looking over everything. He shakes his head then disappears into a nearby woodland.



-Kester Pelagius

Athene March 28th, 2009 07:38 AM

Re: Ginoids: Invasion of earth!
That is really good! :salute:

monolith21 March 29th, 2009 02:27 AM

Re: Ginoids: Invasion of earth!
That all seems strangely familiar. Might make a decent fan film!:rotf:

Kester Pelagius March 30th, 2009 10:28 AM

Re: Ginoids: Invasion of earth!

Originally Posted by Athene (Post 283894)
That is really good! :salute:

Thanks, but I really only did a bit of creative editing. The real credit should go to the forum members whose dialogue inspired this bit of tom foolery.


Originally Posted by monolith21 (Post 284164)
That all seems strangely familiar. Might make a decent fan film!:rotf:

It did sort of wander into GINO spoofery near the end. :D

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