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KamikazeAthena August 30th, 2008 08:59 AM

need a little hand with "road movies"
On behalf of my husband, I am posting this. Thoughts?

Here's a fun little question I could use some brainstorming help on:

I'm researching "Road Movies" for a writing project.
I'm looking for examples of the teen exploitation road movie.

Most of the movie's running time is spent in transit, in a car or other vehicle with characters
they are going somewhere in particular
on the way they... learn something about themselves. (!) If you want to get technical, the road is meant to symbolize their growth as people.
this is the teen movie variant. Characters are all teens or meant to appeal in some way to teens. Other than that there are no genre restrictions.

Britney Spears' "Crossroads" is a good example
it's actually a pretty bad movie
...but it has stock characters
and stock structure
it is in-genre for a road movie

To loosen up the brainstorming a bit:
Their vehicle need not be a car. I think Ford's "Stagecoach" might be a good example, so I'm rewatching that soon. As you might guess if you haven't see Stagecoach, they don't spend any time in a car, just in a stagecoach. Hence the title "Stagecoach." Eh yeah.
There may be horror movies which also fit this description

thanks in advance!

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