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Dawg September 23rd, 2006 08:52 AM

Posting in the Library
Folks, it has come to my attention that we've been pretty lax of late with the postings here in the Library. Lax in that we have submission guidelines laid out that nobody seems to be following.

Colonial Library Submission Guidelines

I don't want anybody to think that I'm trying to discourage anyone from trying to post any story here - far from it. As the guidelines say, any sci-fi story is welcome (with the obvious exception). And, being a writer myself, I want to encourage anyone who has a story inside them to get it out for everyone to enjoy (with the obvious exception, of course).


However, we do need to make sure that the stories submitted to the Library meet minimum standards as set by the owner and staff of Colonial Fleets. Those standards are pretty well set out in the guidelines, I think, as is the way to go about getting the story posted here. It's not rocket science, in fact it's not difficult at all - any of the Mods can get it set up for you.

If you have a recent posting in the Library that has suddenly disappeared, don't fret, it's not gone - as I have the opportunity this weekend (between chores, unfortunately), I'll be evaluating and restoring those stories in the proper format.

In the future, though, if you'd please read and follow the submission guidelines linked above, it would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you.

I am

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