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doc834 June 15th, 2004 10:40 AM

I have the thread.

kitty June 15th, 2004 10:42 AM

You mean you did have it! :D

Bombadil June 15th, 2004 10:45 AM

I think all of you are mistaken.

Terra June 15th, 2004 10:49 AM

Of course you are mistaken because the thread is mine

Laura June 15th, 2004 10:54 AM

It's not who owns it, it's who is holding it.

Laura June 15th, 2004 10:54 AM

:)Try again. It's mine.

Terra June 15th, 2004 11:13 AM

So, if it's not mine... I hold it now :D

holodoc2000 June 15th, 2004 11:19 AM

tee hee! :D I'm snatching thread once more. :D

:muffit: :muffit: :muffit:

Laura June 15th, 2004 11:23 AM

Well, now it's my turn again.

Terra June 15th, 2004 11:27 AM

Nope, my turn

holodoc2000 June 15th, 2004 11:33 AM

:D I'm snatching thread now. :D

:muffit: :muffit: :muffit:

kitty June 15th, 2004 11:46 AM

Kitty sweeps through like a hurricane, and takes the thread! :D

holodoc2000 June 15th, 2004 11:49 AM

tee hee! I'm snatching thread from ya kitty. :D

:muffit: :muffit: :muffit:

kitty June 15th, 2004 11:52 AM

But not for long Holodoc! :laugh:

holodoc2000 June 15th, 2004 11:55 AM

tee hee! :D I'm snatching thread once more from ya kitty. :D

:muffit: :muffit: :muffit:

Laura June 15th, 2004 12:48 PM

Oh, look! Here's that thread again!

kitty June 15th, 2004 01:10 PM

Thanks Laura, I was just looking for that! ;)

julix June 15th, 2004 03:24 PM

Good kitty thanks for the thread......................


DarkJedi June 15th, 2004 04:38 PM

now now no fighting over my thread... ;)

Laura June 15th, 2004 05:04 PM

I won't fight over it. I'll just keep it for a while.

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