seeing as no one wants to play tonight, i'm off to never never land
You just got here braxiss & here ya are leaving me already! :cry:
woooooo hooooooooooo! all alone here with the thread!
Not anymore, BSG. I have the thread, now.
My turn to swoop in...:D
Now, it's my turn, again!
*Stands on soap-box and taps the mike. Clears throat after loud speaker feedback*
I hearby claim ownership rights of this thread. Please forward any objections to the the next person(s) to usurp this position. Good day. |
Okay, that was interesting. All you had to do was just take it.
its mine now!
Welcome to Fleets, Slayne :D Sorry bsg, mine now. :D |
and its your nightmares
nightmares are fun. :D
having a nightmare day here. I'll explain in your dive why.
alrighty :D
tee hee! :D I'm snatching thread now. :D
:muffit: :muffit: :muffit: |
and because today has been a nightmare day for me I am taking the thread.
After today, you deserve more than the thread, so I'll take it off your hands. :D
but I want the thread :cry:
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