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thomas7g January 16th, 2003 01:44 AM



emerita January 16th, 2003 07:53 AM

Oh you guys..........Don't you know that we love you despite the fact that you don't have pointy ears?

Thomas....I just visited you art are the Elven women? What? No pointy ears???? You are talented. I draw , but never did anything with it. I have a picture of Apollo I drew a long time ago, on my computer room wall. I was going to submit it to the art section here, but my scanner was broken when I bought it and haven't replaced it. I would digitally take a picture of it, but I also am no good at downloading my camera to the web. It might as well be in another is it that I am from another galaxy..........

Flamingo Girl January 16th, 2003 10:10 AM

Well, I have a working scanner, and I have no problem dl'ing stuff from my camera, but you don't live near me.

Wait a live in Florida? Hang on, I'll be right there!

emerita January 16th, 2003 10:40 AM

Yeah, I love Florida. I have lived a lot of places and I picked here to settle. The main draw for me was the beach.beautiful water and snow white sand......

I don't know why I can't make heads or tails of my camera. When you read the downloading instructions they make no sense at all and I can't get any of the options to work. I guess I am just a clutz.

Flamingo Girl January 16th, 2003 11:06 AM

What software do you use? I used to use Microsoft Picture It, but now I just use the nifty photo software that came with my camera, it's sooooo much better than what came with my scanner, or even what came with windows.

emerita January 16th, 2003 02:37 PM

Pixela Imagemaker came with the camera...I feel like I need a degree in computer science just to understand what they say. Once you get in, there are only little pictures telling you what to do and there isn't any explanation as to what each little picture means. I need something that explains it in simple talk....My son and I talk over the IM and he hooked upi with remote assistance and he couldn't even understand it and he has been a computer geek for 10 years.

Flamingo Girl January 16th, 2003 07:41 PM


Well, maybe you should ask for suggestions for a program to use?

Micheleh January 16th, 2003 07:47 PM

LView Pro. You can get a free trial version, and it's dead easy to use. Very versatile, too.

thomas7g January 16th, 2003 08:14 PM


Originally posted by emerita
Thomas....I just visited you art are the Elven women? What? No pointy ears???? You are talented. I draw , but never did anything with it. I have a picture of Apollo I drew a long time ago, on my computer room wall. I was going to submit it to the art section here, but my scanner was broken when I bought it and haven't replaced it. I would digitally take a picture of it, but I also am no good at downloading my camera to the web. It might as well be in another is it that I am from another galaxy..........
Thanks sweet one!!

I do have drawings of elves ad such.... but they are really old and not wel done :(

btw- anyone here see Record of Lodoss Wars? Its a D&D adventure series animated in japan. I liked it alot when it came out. And yes, one of the main characters is a elf. (elf, dwarf, thief, cleric, wizard, and fighter) :)

thomas7g January 16th, 2003 08:16 PM

btw- if you can afford it I suggest photoshop. Its really good. Though a little high price.

emerita January 17th, 2003 08:41 AM

Thanks for the suggestions. I'll take a look at both of those....uh they come with a little ELF to do it for you??? .....sorry, couldn't let that one slip

Thomas...I can draw Elves and Vulcans too.......just can't get them downloaded to the, I crack myself up.....uh......can't know, trouble with the camera and all....can't get them........down.....loaded.......uh...*sigh*...............

repcisg January 17th, 2003 12:16 PM

Em, I'd be happy to hope on over and lend you a hand, just as soon as I figure out how much a Bus ticket is from Washington to Florida. :D

Allkidding a side surley one of our artists could help out if you snail mailed your art work to them, guys?

emerita January 19th, 2003 09:20 AM$

I'm sure I'll figure it out soon. My youngest son told me yesterday that he would come and check it out for me.....I can't believe that I am incapable of understanding this.....I have worked in surgery for 20 years and can understand M.D. sign language and I can read their writing too!...this should be a piece of cake.

Flamingo Girl January 19th, 2003 09:46 PM

Damn, I go away for a couple of days, and someone tries to steal my thread.

thomas7g January 20th, 2003 01:43 AM

like me!

emerita January 20th, 2003 02:01 PM

My turn to be last.....

thomas7g January 20th, 2003 03:03 PM


Originally posted by Warrior
*shakes head at Tom*

Of course, *I'll* be the one thrown out even though Tom is being the mean one to F.G.!

I've NEVER been mean to FG.


jewels January 20th, 2003 06:47 PM

Oh, you guys! We all know you're both really sweet (well, except to each other occasionally).
*my thread til FG takes her shift*

Flamingo Girl January 20th, 2003 08:06 PM

*takes shift*

emerita January 21st, 2003 11:04 AM

comes in and takes shift from FG.......sits down with a cappachino.....

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