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Sci-Fi January 27th, 2005 06:21 PM

Revealed : The opening text for Star Wars : Revenge of the Sith
Episode III: How It Begins

From Cinescape Online:

The official STAR WARS website (click on the link above) has given its fans an early treat while they count the final days remaining until REVENGE OF THE SITH opens in theaters. The website has posted an article which, in addition to explaining how Visual Effects Supervisor John Knoll designs the opening crawl of text at the start of any STAR WARS film, also lifts the lid on what words we'll see on the big screen come May.

Episode III


War! The Republic is crumbling

under attacks by the ruthless

Sith Lord, Count Dooku.
There are heroes on both sides.

Evil is everywhere.

In a stunning move, the

fiendish droid leader, General

Grievous, has swept into the

Republic capital and kidnapped

Chancellor Palpatine, leader of

the Galactic Senate.

As the Separatist Droid Army

attempts to flee the besieged

capital with their valuable

hostage, two Jedi Knights lead a

desperate mission to rescue the

captive Chancellor....

:salute: :Nsalute:

Senmut February 6th, 2012 01:56 AM

Re: Revealed : The opening text for Star Wars : Revenge of the Sith
It's cool that Obi-Wan hates to fly.

Punisher454 February 6th, 2012 11:14 PM

Re: Revealed : The opening text for Star Wars : Revenge of the Sith
Old post, but I have to admit that I did mostly like episode-III. I just think they could have condensed EP1&2 into a 30 minute sequence replacing the first act of EP-III. The tragedy of Anakin becoming Darth Vader really does give a slightly different perspective on ep4-6.
But My favorite part by far was the sense of nostalgia when Uncle Owen and Aunt Beru took baby Luke and stood at the edge of the homestead and looked up at the binary suns setting on the horizon. We seen Anakin doing the same in ep2, but here it seemed better done. That's a great scene, worth watching even if you hated the prequels. When you see Luke doing this now in Ep4 its much more powerful. Regardless of what a mess most of the rest of ep1-3 may be, this is brilliant scene that's perfectly executed.

Senmut February 7th, 2012 12:10 AM

Re: Revealed : The opening text for Star Wars : Revenge of the Sith
Oddly enough, I liked Eps 1-3. I never understood why so many people hated them.

Punisher454 February 7th, 2012 01:19 AM

Re: Revealed : The opening text for Star Wars : Revenge of the Sith
I think it may be a matter of taste. I myself like gritty and dark sci-fi. The first 2 Alien movies are good examples. I generally disliked ST:TNG, much too clean, happy, utopian etc.. I liked all the terminator movies, my favorite parts were the flashback (to the future) scenes.

I have noticed among many star wars fans who I've encountered they tend to prefer either Empire or Jedi over the other. I suspect that 'Jedi' fans may be warmer to ep1&2 than somebody who prefers 'Empire' over 'Jedi'.
I could be way off, and that is probably painting with way too wide of a brush, but its what I've observed among people in my little circle.

Senmut February 7th, 2012 05:34 PM

Re: Revealed : The opening text for Star Wars : Revenge of the Sith
I agree about ST:TNG. Way too utopian.

martok2112 August 28th, 2012 01:21 PM

Re: Revealed : The opening text for Star Wars : Revenge of the Sith
Episode III is my favorite SW movie, just barely....barely....edging out the Empire Strikes Back. It's almost a photo finish it's so close.

I enjoyed the prequels too.

It's just the fanboys who feel like their childhoods got raped or run over because George wanted to do things his way, and not the fanboy way.

Now, that said, I will say the following:

1. The acting-- it really depended on who was playing what. Liam Neeson could make garbage sound good with his powerful acting style. Same with Ewan MacGregor. The lovely Natalie Portman is much better in lovey dovey, touchy feely scenes than she is in the action beats (and she does have the cutest butt in the universe, as shown in Ep II...and I certainly would not mind being in those lovey dovey, touchy feely scenes with her :D ) Hayden Christensen improved in Ep III, but there were still a couple of cringeworthy parts. And Ahmed Best just rocked as Jar Jar in Ep I....I was really hoping he'd get a bigger role in the other two films, but the fanboys cried and whimpered, and so George did cave for that.

2. The story-- Well, I do admit, some elements of the prequel trilogy feel rushed. I also felt that despite the fact I enjoyed Ep I, it felt more like a footnote than an actual episode in the overall narrative. Ep II felt rather long and drawn out...but Ep III seemed to hit the perfect pitch in terms of pacing.

3. The visual and sound effects-- Hey, c'mon, it's Lucasfilm! Brilliance. 'nuff said.

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