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Charybdis November 6th, 2005 02:54 PM

Battlestar Fan Film - "Brothers of Man"
Hey everyone,

well, I'm back with another one! The next installment of the Battlestar Callisto mini-eps is in the can and waiting to be rendered.

The next ep is called "Brothers of Man" and will hopefully be delivered to Don in the next week or so. It runs approx. 5:04 and should be around 25 MB of download.

AND for those asking for it to be in one file, I have done the whole thing as one file so you will have the complete film in one download...

stay tuned for more info!!!

ernie90125 November 6th, 2005 04:24 PM

Great news !!!!

You're churning these out at quite a pace !

I am pleased to see it will be rendered as 1 file, I will be more than happy to add it to my fanfilms website, which should be launched at about the same time, if not before....

Looking forwards to finding out more and viewing it.......

Charybdis November 7th, 2005 07:57 AM

Not only that, but I have also just completed a re-rendering (is that a word?) of Ensign Annie as one file as well. They will be burned on a disc and sent to Don (hope you don't mind, Don) so he can post them here as one file.

They will be .wmv files. Ensign Annie is 28 MB and Brothers of Man will be 19 MB...

ernie90125 November 7th, 2005 08:07 AM

That's great Al........

Sept17th November 7th, 2005 04:10 PM

Sweet! :salute:

Charybdis November 14th, 2005 07:59 AM

Just an update: I have burned Ensign Annie and Brothers of Man onto discs and have mailed them to Don. Hopefully, when he gets them, he can put them up as one file each.

I'll have more info once he gets them in his hands...

Charybdis November 29th, 2005 08:26 AM

Don has confirmed that he has received the discs with Ensign Annie and Brothers of Man on them. Stay tuned any day now for downloading info!

Charybdis December 25th, 2005 12:48 PM

OK, the latest has been released. My new Battlestar Callisto mini-ep called "Brothers of Man."

Want to see me in a bedsheet? download it now!

Enjoy and Merry Christmas to all Battlestar fans. Hopefully there will be more Callisto adventures in 2006.

Titon December 29th, 2005 07:06 AM

Looks good Al.

Keep up the good work!


JSC1 January 23rd, 2006 07:01 AM

I went to and saw a listing for 'Ensign Annie' but there was no connection to it. Is there any other way I can download this film until the fan film site has a connection to it?

And will the site have a connection to 'Brothers on Man' as well?

ernie90125 January 23rd, 2006 08:19 AM

'Borthers of Man' will be added to the site in the update currently underway. There is no link to Ensign Annie, as I am still waiing for 1 link to 1 file. The design of the site works best that way. Don't worry.....they will be will any more future Callisto adventures....

Charybdis January 23rd, 2006 10:05 AM

Don has the one file for Ensign Annie. Hopefully, he can get that up here at CF>..

For now, please check under the "Ensign Annie" thread in Artwork - Finished Projects to download Ensign Annie in separate files...

TwoBrainedCylon February 8th, 2006 07:16 PM

Somehow I completely missed the Brothers of Man announcement.

As I've always said, anyone who actually completes a fanfilm ought to be sainted.


Charybdis February 9th, 2006 09:12 AM

That's why I'm keeping mine SHORT!!!

ernie90125 February 9th, 2006 10:07 AM

I loved the shot in Brothers of Man of Al's Viper with the Ship of Lights behind.

I'd love to see Callisto go up to a 30min episode. Perhaps film several shorts that if the project doesn't come off can be individual fanfilms.....but were actually written as a 30 min adventure. Then not all is lost of the production isn't completed. They can just be released as shorts in their own right.

Al, your work, whatever length, is commendable for completing what you have set out to do. So few others have, often building up our hopes along the way. I hope you will continue to produce them....

Titon February 9th, 2006 06:44 PM


So few others have, often building up our hopes along the way
I'm trying to understand this comment Daniel. Do you think that such a thing is an easy task?

ernie90125 February 10th, 2006 05:03 AM


Firstly, no offence was intended towards my fellow Fleets members. But I have to be honest and say I'm a bit upset.

When I first voiced the idea of starting a website, everybody posted or PM'ed their support and encouragement. A number of promises were made of submissions. I spent many many hours teaching myself Dreamweaver and produced a site.

It got the attention of some of the original cast. And the hit numbers were looking great. I thought it could be a real tool in the encouragment of supporting a Continuation. I thought, proudly, that I had made something really special. Something that could contribute to our cause. I eagerly awaited the next chance to make updates and keep my baby running, and show the fanbase's continued creative push for a Continuation.

I waited. And waited. And waited. Out of desperation I updated with 3 clips that aren't even fanfilms....when the hit rates started to drop off. Only Sandy and Al have delivered, although they were doing so anyway with or without my site's existance.(Epics page update due soon)

Perhaps this hurts more as I am experiencing the same thing twice at the same moment, with the failure of my business's first product, again due to a lack of support from those who initially promised it. Livelhood and Hobby slowed to a standstill both for the same reasons.

Once again, I know some people are involved in other BSG endevours, and one such person has been very supportive to understanding my position through PM.

But I am very disappointed that those who can, often don't respond to polite messages, or just don't seem to be willing to doing anything with their stuff, even though it mostly exists or is nearly finished. I know other people have families/work, but my main issue is, and the direct answer to your questions is :

I do not think that CGI is an 'easy task'. But making promises that aren't then kept seems to be.

section33 February 15th, 2006 03:11 PM

rock on

Jan Reinar March 16th, 2006 07:39 PM

A broken link here! :cry:

Charybdis March 17th, 2006 09:49 AM

Ooops! Anyone know what happened to the mini-ep??

Clifford Hoeft April 2nd, 2006 11:04 PM

Is there any chance of posting a new link to this film, the existing link doesn't work.

Thanks :)

oldwardaggit April 3rd, 2006 07:30 AM

Try here

You will be able to see all 3 if you like. :) Plus lots of other great stuff done by the fans.


ernie90125 April 3rd, 2006 07:39 AM OWD. Those links don't work either as they point to the same place as the links in this thread ! But thanks for mentioning my site anyway !!!!!

I will probably be moving host very which point I will be able to, Charybdis permitting, host these files myself.

(Clifford please check your private messages at the top right of this forum)

Sept17th April 3rd, 2006 07:46 AM


Originally Posted by Clifford Hoeft
Is there any chance of posting a new link to this film, the existing link doesn't work.

Thanks :)

That is why your name looks familiar! RJ the head of my film’s special effects team just posted about your site at our film’s forum. We are in pre-production right now…the SFX guys are cranking out great stuff, I’ll be in touch when we are further along. My film’s web page is in my signature. Be sure to check out to what is already out there for our favorite franchise.

ernie90125 April 3rd, 2006 09:53 AM

What Sept17th really meant to say was.....

"Be sure to check out to what is already out there for our favorite franchise."

(The s on the end of battlestarfanilms is quite important to finding the site !!!!!!!!!!!)


Clifford Hoeft April 4th, 2006 04:59 AM

Thanks for the heads-up guys. If anyone already has the files for Brothers of Man and can get them to me I will host them. Just PM me for details.

Sept17th, is your fan film The 14th Colony?

If it is, when do you expect it to be released? I have been to hoping to find a trailer but as yet no luck.

Also are you invoveld in Journey's Fate? I am looking for the original cut of the teaser? I only have version 2.0 and I'd like to compare the changes.

ernie90125, thanks for the PM. I've already visited your site, thanks for your hard work! It's great seeing others helping to promote the labor-of-love that is fan film making.

Oh, and does anyone have news on Battlestar Callisto Episode 4, The Lost Brother?



ernie90125 April 4th, 2006 05:38 AM

See ! There is someone else as enthusiastic as me !!!!!!!!!!!!

Sept17th is indeed Mr.14thColony

Digger_One is the creator of Journey's Fate. There have been two trailers, but I don't know Version 1 is available anymore. I haven't included them on my site, not as a snub in anyway as the creator is a great chap, but holding out for the finished thing which looks like its going to be mindblowing !

Charybdis is the creator and lead actor of the Battlestar Callisto shorts. I'll be shifting server again soon, and will be able to offer to host these as well.

Much to be excited about in osBSG fanfilm world..........

Clifford Hoeft April 8th, 2006 06:49 PM

Thanks for the reply ernie90125,

It's great to see new fan films being made in homage to BSG. I can't wait to see more.

Sept17th April 8th, 2006 07:28 PM


Originally Posted by Clifford Hoeft
Sept17th, is your fan film The 14th Colony?

If it is, when do you expect it to be released? I have been to hoping to find a trailer but as yet no luck.

Clifford, thanks for your interest. Battlestar Galactica: 14th Colony will be released sometime between Thanksgiving and Christmas. We are very early into preproduction so there is no trailer yet. The production team is in discussions about participating in an up coming event. If we do put something together for the event look for an announcement at

Charybdis April 10th, 2006 11:02 AM

Just a quick update on my Battlestar Callisto mini-ep "Brothers of Man:" I have uploaded the ep to Cliff's server and he is (hopefully) in the works at getting it ready with a link and everything. So, if all goes well, it will be available for download once again in the very near future!

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