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Gideon October 7th, 2005 12:09 PM

If I had a colonial uniform I'd... be broke!!
:/: Is there a good /reasonably priced place online to get say TOS jacket... pips... patch... etc.?

What about a viper/galactica model?

The stuff is so expensive! I really can't spend more than $20-$30 on an unmade model.

Centurion Draco October 7th, 2005 05:23 PM

For all things BSG prop-wise check out :
You'll need to register, but its a good site.
Lots of info on where to get all the different patches, cheap!

Darrell Lawrence October 7th, 2005 05:44 PM

Regarding the thread title-

"If I had a colonial uniform I'd... be broke!!"

You could always get one, then give it to me. Then neither of us will be broke (you won't be broke cuz you won't have one.... I would instead! :D )

jjrakman October 7th, 2005 07:58 PM

Someone on that Props board had a fantastic idea. Why aren't there patterns for the uniforms somewhere? This would seem to me like a no brainer. Can someone get this from somewhere?

Gemini1999 October 7th, 2005 08:34 PM


Originally Posted by jjrakman
Someone on that Props board had a fantastic idea. Why aren't there patterns for the uniforms somewhere? This would seem to me like a no brainer. Can someone get this from somewhere?

JJ -

I remember a couple of friends and I gave it a valiant go at "scratch patterning" a TOS uniform. The most difficult part was patterning the neck piece as the collars were a close fit and made in sections. The front piece with the stitching across is kind of tedious to sew, but if you can manage to sew in a straight line (more than once), it looks really good. The rest of the uniform shirt is standard sleeves and so on, as are the pants - they just don't have pockets.

I think that the most difficult thing would be coming up with a suitable fabric, but with today's microfiber fabrics, they have stuff that looks more like suede instead of velour, but it's very light and breathable.

As for patterns that are readily available, I've never seen one, but I have seen people sell ready made uniforms on eBay for 200 dollars or so, but that's just the shirt and the pants.

The jacket is a bitch to do from scratch, but it can be done - again, I've seen really nice ones in the 200 dollar range.

I guess what it all comes down to is either resourcefulness, or a deep wallet!


jjrakman October 7th, 2005 08:55 PM


I remember a couple of friends and I gave it a valiant go at "scratch patterning" a TOS uniform.
You'd think that some enterprising collector would have found and published the original patterns for the costumes on the show. The ones that they actually used.

I would never attempt to sew it all together myself. I'm very...close with a seamstress.

captmiloman October 17th, 2005 08:28 AM

The warrior uniform would make a great Halloween costume. I came across a site that sells the jacket, tunic, pants, belt, etc. but they're in the UK and they only accept credit/debt cards on international orders. Too bad Spencer Gifts doesn't sell them, as far as I know of.

Tabitha October 18th, 2005 08:20 AM

I wonder if they ever came out with a skirt style uniform or summer uniforms without the heavy blouse and jacket.


KamikazeAthena October 18th, 2005 08:33 AM

I made my costumes and it was a royal pain. There are no patterns out there and I had to wing it. For the jacket, you can actually modify a demin jacket pattern pretty easily, if you know how to sew.

There is a great source for the braid, patches, hosters, and pins on ebay. I was even able to get the necklaces for my capes and the glove patches from her. She will also make costumes but I hear it will cost you. I have seen her work though and it is AMAZING! I will try to dig up her store ID and post it.

I managed to pick up decent fabric two years ago that is so close that unless you really know BSG, you would say it is the right stuff. This is about the right time of year to find the colors.

Charybdis October 18th, 2005 09:31 AM

The only place that sells stuff off the rack is but expect to pay $250 for the jacket and the same amount for the uniform. Plus about that much for a blaster and holster set too!!! AND the same amount for the Sidi Joel Roberts boots...

There never was a 'summer' uniform since there is no summer in space! Remember, it's cold out there!!!

TSA October 18th, 2005 04:13 PM

funny thing is...i remember in elementary school when someone had a colonial jacket and someone else had a "V" jumpsuit. i was so jealous!

KamikazeAthena October 19th, 2005 07:45 AM

Here is the link to the ebay store I mentioned:

jewels October 19th, 2005 09:35 PM

Athena, Katarra8 made the burgundy warrior jackets and the dark green one for Apollo for the Second Comming trailer. One of the guys on the A.S.A.P props board was also one of the costumers for that. ;)

KamikazeAthena October 20th, 2005 08:18 AM

Oh yeah! I forgot about that! I think she still has some of the Second Coming patches for sale. She makes some crazy cool stuff.

Capt Phlandor February 21st, 2006 09:12 PM


Originally Posted by Tabitha
I wonder if they ever came out with a skirt style uniform or summer uniforms without the heavy blouse and jacket.


Yeah they have a skirt uniform for the warrior Women and the Bridge crew you see it in the origional movie. Athena is wearing it and I believe it is a basic A-line skirt, with nude or tan hose and black boots. :Nsmilie:

Charybdis February 22nd, 2006 07:42 AM

Whoa! did I miss something? Galactica women wearing skirts on the bridge??

does anyone have a screen cap of this or can confirm or deny this???

KamikazeAthena February 22nd, 2006 07:46 AM

I think this is a reference to the med techs. I know I have never seen a Warrior or officer skirt.

Capt Phlandor February 22nd, 2006 08:53 AM


Originally Posted by KamikazeAthena
I think this is a reference to the med techs. I know I have never seen a Warrior or officer skirt.

Yes Casiopea wore a skirt with her Medical Uniform, but in the very first BSG-Movie Athena was wearing a skirt coming onto the bridge. And I believe that there was mention of the skirt being worn for dress uniform by the female Warriors. AS with all things military Ladies have the option of pants or skirt or even wearing civilian formal dress for formal occasions. :Nsalute:

spcglider February 24th, 2006 11:24 AM

Okay, you're gonna hafta show me this one. I don't recall ever hearing or seeing anything of the like.

Who's got screen-cappage?


KamikazeAthena February 24th, 2006 12:22 PM

...or at least what scene it is in please.

Colonel Archon April 30th, 2011 09:58 PM

Re: If I had a colonial uniform I'd... be broke!!
Lieutenant, I find myself forced to agree with you. I recently ended up squandering almost a whole secton's pay--over one thousand two hundred cubits--on certain purchases that I concede were ill-advised. But a spending limit of just twenty to thirty cubits on any of these items? Are you smoking plant vapors?

Colonel Archon April 30th, 2011 10:02 PM

Re: If I had a colonial uniform I'd... be broke!!
Now Uri doesn't know all of our warriors on sight! He'll be counting--uniforms, not men.

Well, if Blue Squadron didn't go to the party, who WERE those guys?

Anybody the Commander could find up in the Fleet to fill the uniforms--you shoulda seen the guy who got MINE!!!

I think I did, Jolly!

Charybdis May 2nd, 2011 09:05 AM

Re: If I had a colonial uniform I'd... be broke!!
OK, maybe this is where the problem is with this skirt idea. Didn't Athena go onto the bridge one time in her fancy dress?? Can't remember exactly, but that's the only explanation for Athena possibly wearing a dress on the bridge. To my knowledge, no woman warrior ever wore a dress with her uniform...

Colonel Archon May 3rd, 2011 08:39 AM

Re: If I had a colonial uniform I'd... be broke!!

Originally Posted by KamikazeAthena (Post 229031)
I made my costumes and it was a royal pain. There are no patterns out there and I had to wing it. For the jacket, you can actually modify a demin jacket pattern pretty easily, if you know how to sew.

There is a great source for the braid, patches, hosters, and pins on ebay. I was even able to get the necklaces for my capes and the glove patches from her. She will also make costumes but I hear it will cost you. I have seen her work though and it is AMAZING! I will try to dig up her store ID and post it.

I managed to pick up decent fabric two years ago that is so close that unless you really know BSG, you would say it is the right stuff. This is about the right time of year to find the colors.

Wait a centon--was that fabric called "butter-suede cloth?" That fabric, in light and dark browns and ultra-dark blue, is Colonial Service issue--and it costs only a fistful of cubits for the quantities needed!

Reaper May 7th, 2011 07:19 AM

Re: If I had a colonial uniform I'd... be broke!!
I'm not sure what promted the "Skirt" replies, but I've never seen anyone, Especially Athena wearing a uniform Skirt. Cassie wears a dress as a medtech, but no one wears a skirt.

And there has recently been a pattern for the jackets created and released ( pictures of the jacket pieces at lerast that you can scale & print to make your own) Just check in the costuming section here on the forums. People are still working on the Pants and tunic though. perhaps those patterns will be released as well.

As for what materials and colors to use, Over at Blackstar Squadron we've pretty much settled on "Alova Suade" as the material to use. I can provide the links to an online merchant and the exact colors we've set as standard for the uniforms.

Colonel Archon May 7th, 2011 07:28 AM

Re: If I had a Colonial uniform I' broke!!

Originally Posted by Reaper (Post 305905)
I'm not sure what prompted the "Skirt" replies, but I've never seen anyone, especially Athena, wearing a uniform skirt. Cassie wears a dress as a medtech, but no one wears a skirt.

And there has recently been a pattern for the jackets created and released--pictures of the jacket pieces, at least, that you can scale & print to make your own. Just check in the costuming section here on the forums. People are still working on the pants and tunic though. Perhaps those patterns will be released as well.

As for what materials and colors to use, over at Blackstar Squadron we've pretty much settled on "Alova Suede" as the material to use. I can provide the links to an online merchant and the exact colors we've set as standard for the uniforms.

As I had said, I had found butter-suede when I investigated certain textile-ators (the people of Earth call them "fabric stores") that I was directed to when I studied how one 13th Tribe member constructed one. The procedure, as I understood it, involved generous usage of valcron to secure the uniform tunic; the textile costs a mere fistful of cubits per measure, but doing the whole thing yourself saves hundreds and thousands of cubits down the line.

Reaper May 7th, 2011 07:34 AM

Re: If I had a colonial uniform I'd... be broke!!
Colonel, for those of us born on Earth, the usuage of colonial Terms might be limited a little ;)

And in our search, the Alova Suade is actually a little cheaper then the Butter Suade. Not by much, but it's something.

Colorwise, I think you can get a decent match with both fabrics.

Colonel Archon May 7th, 2011 07:57 AM

As per Colonial terms...
You noted, Lieutenant, that the use of Colonial terms may be somewhat limited to Thirteenth Tribes-People. Good point. You have to remember, though, that I'm Caprican, and that I find EARTH terms strange!

Reaper May 7th, 2011 02:23 PM

Re: If I had a colonial uniform I'd... be broke!!
thank you for noting my rank in the costuming club is wrong, I'm currently strike captain. I'll fix that.

Jubal October 2nd, 2011 08:33 PM

Re: If I had a colonial uniform I'd... be broke!!

Originally Posted by Colonel Archon (Post 305849)
Lieutenant, I find myself forced to agree with you. I recently ended up squandering almost a whole secton's pay--over one thousand two hundred cubits--on certain purchases that I concede were ill-advised. But a spending limit of just twenty to thirty cubits on any of these items? Are you smoking plant vapors?

:rotf: Love the use of colonial terms. Working on getting better at that myself (for this board since I always loved the alternate jargon.)

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