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julix July 24th, 2004 04:16 PM

Star Wars Episode III tiltle
It is official folks.....The title for the final Star Wars film is ................

Revenge of the Sith

Rowan July 24th, 2004 04:23 PM

And here is the link to some pics from that show

julix July 25th, 2004 06:47 AM

Thanks for the pix again Rowan!!!! :salute:

Charybdis July 26th, 2004 09:06 AM

Yup, I finally heard about it today!!! Was off the computer the whole weekend !!

Kind of unimaginative overall since Return of the Jedi was supposed to be called Revenge of the Jedi originally, but it does fit and is not as wacky as Attack of the Clones or The Phantom Menace...

Here is my list for ranking the Star WArs films:

1. Star Wars
2. Empire Strikes Back
3. Attack of the Clones
4. Return of the Jedi
5. The Phantom Menace

The new film might rank in there at number 2 or 3 depending on how it turns out, but I doubt that anything will ever sway my opinion of the original movie and Empire...

julix July 26th, 2004 12:16 PM



With all due respect let me lead you into the light, yes it is true that Lucas originally was going to call episode six Revenge of the Jedi and some posters etc went out(a good friend of ours has one) but it dawned on GL that Jedi do not take revenge, it is against all things that are Jedi. Thus, the title was changed to Return of the Jedi which is more appropriate. Then yes you can drawn some similarities but that is the reason behind the change :D

P.S. Episode IV is called A New Hope(yes I am a Star Wars Geek-and proud of it!!!)

Ian_W359 July 26th, 2004 01:35 PM

:blink: Revenge Of The Sith? Come back to me in 12 months, and ask me if I like it then!

But seriously, it took me a while to warm to the naming of 'The Phantom Menace' and 'Attack Of The Clones'. Names I thought were a bit weak at the outset, but in the end, kinda made sense. 'Revenge Of The Sith' however, I'll get back to you on that one......

All the best,
Ian W359

The 14th Colony July 26th, 2004 07:06 PM

I love it. I totally love it. It has the dark, ominous tone that I've expected from the third movie. There was Darth Maul's statement in TPM which was never explained (aside from in the novel, and the imagination of fans), " last we will have our revenge," and then this title, bringing a close to a concept that was begun in the first episode and culminating in this final storyline. I remember when I first read the Episode I title, after years of speculating what the first film would involve, and following plot and character spoilers for months prior to the revelation, I was shocked like many fans. I thought "The Phantom Menace" was lame, cheesy, and weak as a title. Of course, the more I thought it over, the more it made sense to me, though it still sounded cheesy for quite some time. I later came to really like that title, and finally accepted it and decided I wouldn't want it to be called anything else. With Attack of the Clones, however, it sounded lame and cheesy, and weak at first, and I still don't like it. But Revenge of the Sith sounded great during the long speculation before hand, and sounds even stronger now. In fact, of all the titles I would rate them in the following order of how strong and intriguing they sound and how they touch my intellect. Don't get me wrong, this is not my rating of the quality of each episode's story, but only my rating of the titles themselves.

Revenge of the Sith
The Phantom Menace
The Empire Strikes Back
Return of the Jedi
A New Hope
Attack of the Clones

BST July 26th, 2004 07:16 PM


Originally Posted by julix
It is official folks.....The title for the final Star Wars film is ................
Revenge of the Sith

I like it. The only problem with this particular movie is that there is a "whole lot of story that has to be told". Hopefully, it will have a bit longer run-time to accomodate all the pieces that must be put in their proper place. I think it will be a "good" flick but, I'm afraid that it's all going to be a bit "rushed".

Looking forward to it, nonetheless!! :thumbsup:

julix July 26th, 2004 08:21 PM

14th Colony...
I agree with the name of the title...I think it is very fitting and will tie many things together. BST..I also agree I can't imagine how Lucas is going to pull it off. The (Star Wars circle of friends)group and I keep joking he would have to do EpisodeIII part A, B, and C.....But if anyone can pull it off it would be Lucas. We shall see :)

P.S. I like the title Attack of the Clones the least as well.

braxiss July 26th, 2004 08:28 PM

i don't really care what it's called, i just hope it's better than the last one

Rowan July 26th, 2004 08:29 PM

Lucas was just dying I guess to finally use that "revenge" word in one of his movie titles it was initially going to be Revenge of the Jedi but he changed his mind remember because Jedi are not about the dark side and revenge is a dark word. This movie is going to have to be very dark on a lot of story lines. :D It's a good title for a dark story.

Rowan July 26th, 2004 08:29 PM


Originally Posted by braxiss
i don't really care what it's called, i just hope it's better than the last one

for me that would be the last three!:(

braxiss July 26th, 2004 08:30 PM


Originally Posted by Rowan
for me that would be the last three!:(

i agree

julix July 26th, 2004 08:34 PM

Those may be fightin words!!!!!No I understand both sides but THOSE MAY BE FIGHTIN WORDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D

Rowan July 26th, 2004 08:43 PM


Originally Posted by julix
Those may be fightin words!!!!!No I understand both sides but THOSE MAY BE FIGHTIN WORDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D

LOL! ((((((((((Julix)))))))))))

my big complaint in the Empire Strikes back is the Ewoks I wanted a planet of Wookies like he initially planned I wanted a tougher less comedic/silly story and I have the same issue with Phantom menace I HATED!!! Jar Jar I don't want slapstick comedy. This is supposed to be an epic galactic tale of the fight between good and evil. The initial title captured my imagination Star Wars a WAR among people in a galaxy far far away fought on many planets. I want to feel the enormity and the implications of such a battle. I wanted it to be tough and gritty. I do love most of the humour in the initial trilogy the sarcastic wit was great but I can't abide the silliness of characters like Jar Jar it just kept distracting me and pulling me out of the story.

Hey we could use an olive branch smilie ;) :D

julix July 26th, 2004 08:52 PM

I love know I could never fight cha(especially after the gift of the triad pictures :D ) Here is the deal about JarJar. He is distracting and anoying...I think Lucas was trying to show that all living things have importance even the smallest ewok could help win freedom and even a silly backwards (not very smart) being could have the key to help....I understand ya!

Rowan July 26th, 2004 09:09 PM


Originally Posted by julix
I love know I could never fight cha(especially after the gift of the triad pictures :D ) Here is the deal about JarJar. He is distracting and anoying...I think Lucas was trying to show that all living things have importance even the smallest ewok could help win freedom and even a silly backwards (not very smart) being could have the key to help....I understand ya!

:love: She loves me:D "whew" I'm sure glad I found that pic!! LOL!;) :D
I remember him giving that explanation or one very similar to it about the Ewoks. I understood the rational and agree with the premise but just wasn't happy with the translation to screen.;)

julix July 26th, 2004 09:13 PM

Yes I agree the screen presentation(of JarJar) was not my first choice! I think even Lucas in retrospect has admitted that...the guy is not perfect(just like the rest of us LOL) but I have to hand it to him he does it his way with no interference. I wish we had that for BG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

bsg1fan1975 July 27th, 2004 12:38 PM

heard on my local country station that it will be released may 19 of 2005

July 27th, 2004 01:10 PM

I was hoping episode III would be called "The Painful Death Of Jar Jar Binks." But "Revenge of the Sith" works for me.

braxiss July 27th, 2004 04:49 PM


Originally Posted by Bijou88
I was hoping episode III would be called "The Painful Death Of Jar Jar Binks." But "Revenge of the Sith" works for me.

maybe even though it's not the title, the death of jar jar will still be in there

Muffit July 27th, 2004 08:25 PM

Thanks Julix :)

Gee, and I thought it was gonna be called "Script Wars - yet another confusing script" or "Barney Does Jar-Jar" ;)

Sorry, had to chime in with ya'all!!! :laugh:
I LOVED the original trilogy. The plots were extremely basic and easily understood and fantasized to. In stark contrast, I have NO IDEA what is going on in the latest two movies. Both scripts lost me after the first line of dialogue :wtf:

I would much rather see the original stars in a sequel...

Anwho, THANKS Julix! Hope you love it!!! :thumbsup:

julix July 27th, 2004 08:41 PM

I hear ya...If you want to ask questions I am here to humbly try to ease the confusion(if I can). I would have loved to see the original stars in a sequel but there again it was not on Lucas's agenda. There are a sereies of books that takes up where Return of the Jedi leaves off. My husband reads them and they are quite good-so he thinks. But there is nothing like seeing your heros on the big screen. SIGH..........I am thinking of BG of course!

bsg1fan1975 July 28th, 2004 03:21 AM

one can only hope at least in Ep. 2 he was not in there as much as the first!

Charybdis July 28th, 2004 08:52 AM

I have to admit, that whole premise of Ep. I of the blockade and trade disputes was really uninspiring for a main plot. Although, of course, the special effects were neat...

At least I got the gist of Ep II and I liked it much better, but the original trilogy is the best...

julix July 28th, 2004 12:14 PM

Well, as I see it the trade dispute was just a part of the emperor's grand plan to get to power and take control. That is how he became Chancelor and as we saw in episode two he uses JarJar to utimately get supreme power which is what he wanted all along.

Charybdis July 29th, 2004 10:03 AM

What I don't understand is that if Amidala was going to vote against the creation of the Republic Army, why did Jar-Jar propose it?? If he was going to stand in for her, he should have gone along with her wishes, not his own!!!

July 29th, 2004 11:44 AM


Originally Posted by Charybdis
What I don't understand is that if Amidala was going to vote against the creation of the Republic Army, why did Jar-Jar propose it?? If he was going to stand in for her, he should have gone along with her wishes, not his own!!!

It's very simple. Jar Jar is an IDIOT! Lucas, what were you thinking when you created the most annoying, pointless character in the history of cinema?

julix July 29th, 2004 12:17 PM

Jar Jar was manipulated by the emperor(then chancelor)so that he could get supreme power. He planted the seed in JarJar's head to call for the vote for emergency powers in a conversation he had before the vote. It went something like ...if only there were someone brave enough to pupose this resolution. This was in reference to Padme being gone and using her absence and JarJar need to be important. It was all part of the grand plan. He wanted the army so he could eventually get rid of the Jedi.

Charybdis July 29th, 2004 07:35 PM

I think I have to rewatch AOTC...

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