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jjrakman April 6th, 2003 10:39 PM

The Ancient Astronaut aspects of BSG
I thought it might be fun to discuss some of these themes and how it relates to BSG. Ther are a few Sci Fi shows that have dealt with the subject. To my mind I can think of obviously BSG, but also, Stargate, The Pheonix, and Otherworld.

There are also several books that have been written by researchers into this field regading the idea that humanity's dim dim past started with visitors from the stars, or a prior high tech civilization that was wiped out by a catastrophe thus forcing mankind to re-invent the wheel. It is believed that this is where many of the legends concering Atlantis and Lemuria arose. Some of the authors who have dealt with this subject would include, Richard C. Hoagland, Graham Hancock, Zecharia Sitchin, Robert Schoch, Erich Von Daniken, and John Anthony West.

There have even been recent geologial findings that suggest the Sphinx of the Giza plateau is at least 10,000 years old, 4000 years older that the known beginnings of human civilzation according to orthodox science.

So what say you, were the Egyptian monuments and other megolithic structures around the world created by workers or slaves, or by someone else...


Micheleh April 6th, 2003 11:32 PM

Interesting theory. I'm working on a story with a similar premise- of an ancient advanced civilization on earth, capable of spaceflight, catastrophically wiped out to leave only enigmatic traces of inexplicable technology.

"There have even been recent geologial findings that suggest the Sphinx of the Giza plateau is at least 10,000 years old, 4000 years older that the known beginnings of human civilzation according to orthodox science."

I believe that this is good proof toward the theory that civilization goes back far longer than people think.

jjrakman April 6th, 2003 11:39 PM

If your writing a story,
I would highly suggest you read some of the authors I listed above. It could provide you with great research. I know how what I am about to say is going to sound, very tabloidish, but the face on Mars is very peculiar. It has an Egyptian style head dress, is surrounded by pyramids in the immediate vicinity, and if you split the face directly in have and fold the right half and left half over, one half looks like a hominid, the other is a sphinx. try some of the following links if your interested:

And good luck with your writing!

jjrakman April 6th, 2003 11:47 PM

Interesting side note regarding your story,
regarding a catastrophe. The best theory to date is that there was a planet somewhere in between Jupiter and present day Mars that experienced a catastrophe on the scale of planets colliding. This created the asteroid belt that exists there. Mars wsa supposedly a moon of this destroyed planet. This is curious because if you look at Mars it is seperated by The Line of Dichotomy. One half of Mars is sooth, the other half is literally blanketed with craters, as though it were pelted by massive amounts of debris.

Stevew April 7th, 2003 06:13 AM

There are signs of an advanced civilation that existed some 12K years ago and they are all over the world, I can't wait til they find out more

peter noble April 7th, 2003 07:39 AM

Graham Hancock is regarded as a crank in my country.


jjrakman April 7th, 2003 07:47 AM

Most of these guys...
who deal with this subject are considered "cranks" by their peers. But don't forget Schlieman(sp?) was too, until he found Troy. I've read the Sign and the Seal, Finger prints of the Gods, The message of the Sphinx and Heaven's Mirror. I don't know if I believe everything he writes, but he does raise some interesting questions. I think there are those in the orthodox community who just simply do not want to hear "dissenting" ideas.

Hito April 7th, 2003 08:36 AM

I'm farmiliar with Richard C. Hoagland, Graham Hancock and Zecharia Sitchin.
I enjoy Graham's presentation the best however.

If DeSanto had gotten further it would have been great if he could have brought Hancock or Hoagland on as consultants.
It would have made for some astounding stories I bet.

The Ancient Astronaut element was one of my favorite elements of TOS.
You can see where Stargate borrowed heavily from galactica to establish itself in that same kind of mythology.

Hito April 7th, 2003 08:39 AM

I am not convinced that slave labor was involved in the construction of the pyramids.

oldwardaggit April 7th, 2003 08:54 AM

(Cue Stu Phillips music. The same music that was at the start of the original)
(Camera shot coming down threw the sky until we see the back of a boy and his grandfather standing in front of the great pyramid so that we don’t get to see their faces)

(Boy) Grandpa Where did people come from?

The Grandfather thinks for a minute and decides to give his Grandson a broad answer because he wants his Grandchild to make his own decisions with out the interference of his own beliefs.

(Grandfather) Well, there are many different views on this subject.
Some believe that God made man in his own image right here on earth.
Others believe that we are the end result of evolution.

And there are those who believe that life here began out there. Far across the universe with tribes of humans who may have been the four fathers of the Egyptians, or the Toltec’s, or the Mians. That they may have been the architects of the great pyramids or the lost civilization of the Miriam or Atlantis. Some believe that there may yet be brothers of man who even now fight to survive far , far away amongst the stars.

(The voice sounds familiar and as the camera circles the Grandfather, We see the devilish smile of Patrick Mcnee. Then the screen goes black and we here him laugh with a bit of an echo on his voice.)

(Then we have Stu Phillips starting music for the credits as the black screen fades in with stars to let us know that we are traveling to that far away place.)

(Credits end with a fade in to a shot of a huge hall and it soon becomes apparent that we are at a grand funeral for some one. Looking at the front of the room, we see Tigh decked out in full uniform. We see a bit of a tear in his eye as he begins to speak.)

(Tigh) Adama My friend, my dear, dear friend. You were there for me through out my life and now for one last time, I’m here for you.

(As Tigh continues, we see the back of someone with dark hair; leave the room in a bit of a hurry. When the funeral is over, we see some people in the corridor talking down about what will happen to the fleet now that Adama has passed and they are also talking down about how Apollo didn’t even have the stomach to stay for the whole funeral .How no one can find him on the Galactica. Then they look up to see some smoke roll from around the corner. At first we see the end of the fumarello, then the smile of Dirk Benedict.)

(Shuttle Pilot) Captain Starbuck, we didn’t see you there.
(Starbuck) Looks like you boys just stepped in to some deep felgercarb.
and Ah.... yes, don’t worry about Apollo. I know exactly where he is.

(Camera shot zooming in to the Galactica and as we get closer, we zoom in on the celestial tube on top of the Galactica. We then see someone sitting in there and as the camera zooms in on Richard Hatch sitting in a bit of a dark shadow, we here him say.

(Apollo) Father, why is it that I should feel the closest to your spirit, here?


kingfish April 7th, 2003 08:58 AM

Horah OWD
Well written. :thumbsup:

TwoBrainedCylon April 7th, 2003 09:02 AM

Those Books
I think much of the original relied on the Ancient Astronaut theories, and I thought it was a good addition.

Schleiman (can't remember how his name is really spelled) wasn't the genius he's portrayed now. Practically everything he determined was later corrected by real archeologists. The bulk of his evidence was faked and planted at the site by himself, his wife, and two assistants. He did find a pre-Greek stronghold with gold relics that is commonly called Troy but that title has never been confirmed by any evidence found there. It is, however, great for tourism -- and not a bad place to visit if you get the chance to go there.

The ancient astronaut books usually play like the Ron Moore handbook. First you attack the established basis and portray them as incompetent and irrelevant. Then you insist that your interpretation is correct and anyone who doesn't buy into it is intolerant, ill-informed, unable to see the truth, etc. Then you supply some evidence and interpret the meaning for everyone and present it as FACT, even though the interpretations fail miserably under basic scrutiny or any application of the scientific method.

The difference for me is that the ancient astronauts books are a lot of fun and very enjoyable to listen to. I like having them around.


jewels April 7th, 2003 09:46 AM

OWD, that was excellent! I like the start of your story. And that's where I'd have looked for Apollo too. :)

The Blue Mule April 7th, 2003 10:26 AM

Nice OWD!!

Jesus Christ that was NICE!

Pure Majesty!


P.S. Please continue.

oldwardaggit April 7th, 2003 12:49 PM

Kingfish. Thanks, I’m not a writer unless you count music but I figured I would take a stab at it.

Jewels. Ya I was thinking about what kind of mystery this opening scene would stir up.
Thanks for the Pat on the back.

The blue mule. This thread gave me the Idea to write that. Maybe I will write some more. It may be interesting to see how we could introduce the rest of the cast.
Thank you too.


peter noble April 7th, 2003 01:20 PM

OWD strikes again!

Definitely not a one trick pony! :)


BST April 7th, 2003 02:26 PM


(I tried to write more, but the 3 words below sum it all up):

That was beautiful.


oldwardaggit April 7th, 2003 02:59 PM

Darrell, feel free to use it. I would love to see that done and with your talent, it would be down right awesome.

Peter, Soon I will have more time for more tricks. :)

BST, thanks. The fans should write the script for the sci fi channel.
There are some really good writers here that would do it justice.
I’m just an Idea guy but I would love to see the writers here, write the script because they are huge fans of the original and we could rely on them to do it more then justice.


jjrakman April 7th, 2003 05:15 PM

For Two Brained
I have to agree with you there is that aspect among the Ancient Astonaut supporters, but also on the side of orthodox there is an unwillingness to listen that creates a kind of friction between camps, when they should probably be working together to see if there really is anything to it all.

The Best example I can think of is the reception of Robert Schoch's redating of the Great Sphinx. He is a an expert in the erosion of Soft Stones such as the material which the Sphinx is made of. He comes from the University of Boston and is quite respected in his field as a geologist. He simply stated that the erosion patterns seem to indicate that the Sphinx is much older than presently thought by orthodoxy. He was not trying to say that it was built by Atlanteans, r men from Mars, yet he was met with a pretty beligerent reaction from theorthodox community. I think that's kind of a shame.

But in any case they are definietly enjoyable to read, At the most for trying to expand your mind to outlandish possibilities, and at the least for a good story.

jjrakman April 7th, 2003 05:17 PM

For Hito
I wholeheartedly agree they would have made excellent consultants. The whole lore of BSG is steeped in this stuff. It would have been a marriage made in heaven.

jjrakman April 7th, 2003 05:21 PM

Great screenplay OWD
Couldn't have done it better myself!

oldwardaggit April 7th, 2003 07:26 PM

I thank you. I'm not very good at it but I guess I may have lucked out this time. :)

ojai22 April 7th, 2003 11:02 PM


There's a thread you might enjoy under BSG Publication Reviews. It's The Atlantean Connection. And I'm not finished with it yet.

jjrakman April 8th, 2003 09:58 PM

Thanks Ojai, I'll check it out.
By the way, your Avatar. Summerian?

Also,I find it curious that Mr.Larson, if he is a devout Mormon, would entertain thoughts of Ancient Astronauts. Any thoughts on this?

TwoBrainedCylon April 9th, 2003 05:32 AM

See my post in the Moses/Exodus thread.


jjrakman April 9th, 2003 09:20 AM

This should provoke some conversation...
What do you all think of these images?

Here'swhat they think we are seeing:

jjrakman April 10th, 2003 04:31 PM

So, any thoughts on the images above?

jjrakman June 17th, 2003 10:24 AM


Senmut June 21st, 2003 02:44 AM

There is alot of good work on the "Ancient Astronaut" theory that does not involve Erich von Doughnut. let us not allow him to pollute the idea. The real problem is that mainstream scientist cannot allow the intrusion of ideas from "outsiders". Much of the evidence comes from people with no "scientific credentials", and therefore deemed worthless, as if having a degree implies truth. In college, any mention that such ideas might have a basis was met with virulent opposition. Almost in an atmosphere of fear.
One last point...remember in 2001? The monolith that appears, and helps the apes evolve? Extreterrestrial intervention if ever I saw it, yet BSG is derided for the very same idea. Maybe it's because Larson doesn't have a degree?
Sorry. Just had to vent.

Corwwyn June 21st, 2003 05:45 AM

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