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Dawg August 3rd, 2004 09:11 PM

Hi, lil sis!

I've got the thread!

;) :D

I am

Archangel August 3rd, 2004 09:12 PM

just my attitude, and some things that come out of my mouth. There was a time when I used to come up with some weird things to say. Analogies, etc..

For wrestling fans out there, picture Superfly Snuka drunk.

Oops, Hi Dawg

Rowan August 3rd, 2004 09:15 PM


Originally Posted by Dawg
Hi, lil sis!

I've got the thread!

;) :D

I am

((((((((((((((((((Dawg))))))))))))))))))))))) HI! *waves at Dawg* So nice to play with my big brother! :D ;)

Dawg August 3rd, 2004 09:17 PM

*waves back*

Archangel August 3rd, 2004 09:17 PM

My thread! :D

Rowan August 3rd, 2004 09:17 PM


Originally Posted by Archangel
just my attitude, and some things that come out of my mouth. There was a time when I used to come up with some weird things to say. Analogies, etc..

For wrestling fans out there, picture Superfly Snuka drunk.

Oops, Hi Dawg

I'm not familiar with wrestling characters...Is the "weird things to say" in reference to the time when you were in your teens?

Rowan August 3rd, 2004 09:19 PM


Originally Posted by Dawg
*waves back*

Hey your here on the QT aren't you your light isn't me;) :D maybe we are related LOL!:D

Archangel August 3rd, 2004 09:19 PM

Teens, twenties, take your pick. In my thirties now, so I finally kinda grew out of it. Notice I said 'kinda', I still goof off here sometimes. :D

Rowan August 3rd, 2004 09:22 PM


Originally Posted by Archangel
Teens, twenties, take your pick. In my thirties now, so I finally kinda grew out of it. Notice I said 'kinda', I still goof off here sometimes. :D

I hope I never grow out of my silliness :D

Archangel August 3rd, 2004 09:27 PM


Originally Posted by Rowan
I hope I never grow out of my silliness :D

Yeah, Me too. When I was a kid, I always thought that the grown-ups were way too serious. They always used to tell me that when I become an adult, I will too.

I think I managed too avoid it quite well, thank you very much! :D

bsg1fan1975 August 4th, 2004 03:10 AM

good morning campers!

repcisg August 4th, 2004 08:14 AM

And a top of the morning to you to!

bsg1fan1975 August 4th, 2004 08:24 AM

nearly noon here!

julix August 4th, 2004 08:35 AM

It is only 9:35 here..........

bsg1fan1975 August 4th, 2004 08:49 AM

oh god this heat is awful!

amberstar August 4th, 2004 10:38 AM

Just checking's 1:30pm here and a hot & humid 90!

holodoc2000 August 4th, 2004 11:09 AM

tee hee! :D I'm snatching thread now. :D

It a little after 2pm here & it already in the low 90's here. :(

Now to contend with the pain for awhile. :(

Archangel August 4th, 2004 11:31 AM

Now it's my turn! :D

holodoc2000 August 4th, 2004 11:34 AM

tee hee! :D I'm snatching thread from ya Archangel. :D

*pulls out pillows & hits Archangel with pillows* :duck:

:muffit: :muffit: :muffit:

Archangel August 4th, 2004 11:56 AM

Sorry, holodoc. My turn again!

BTW How's the tooth?

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