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holodoc2000 August 1st, 2004 10:29 PM

tee hee! :D I'm snatching thread once more & taking it off to bed with me. :D

*tackles braxiss & tickles him all over* :duck:

:muffit: :muffit: :muffit:

Senmut August 1st, 2004 11:50 PM

Sen turns the bed over, knocking holodoc to the floor. In the confusion, off I go with the thread.

bsg1fan1975 August 2nd, 2004 03:42 AM

gee it got quiet in here but I guess that is the best time for thread snatching!

amberstar August 2nd, 2004 04:57 AM


Originally Posted by bsg1fan1975
gee it got quiet in here but I guess that is the best time for thread snatching!

I agree :D

repcisg August 2nd, 2004 07:24 AM

Never fear!
For I am here
the great and wonderful

julix August 2nd, 2004 07:27 AM

I am not will be(yoda's voice)

repcisg August 2nd, 2004 08:03 AM

Any man who has a himself for a client is a fool!

I am that fool. :D

holodoc2000 August 2nd, 2004 09:54 AM

tee hee! :D I'm snatching thread now. :D

:muffit: :muffit: :muffit:

repcisg August 2nd, 2004 10:19 AM

No, no, no - its mine!

holodoc2000 August 2nd, 2004 10:28 AM

tee hee! :D I'm snatching thread again. :D

:muffit: :muffit: :muffit:

shiningstar August 2nd, 2004 11:36 AM

:devil:~~~the thread~~~:devil:

holodoc2000 August 2nd, 2004 11:38 AM

tee hee! :D I'm snatching thread again. :D

:muffit: :muffit: :muffit:

repcisg August 2nd, 2004 11:57 AM

Not so fast there - :hack: in fun :D

amberstar August 2nd, 2004 11:58 AM

My turn again;)

bsg1fan1975 August 2nd, 2004 12:09 PM

As Daffy Duck would say: "Its mine, mine, mine!"

shiningstar August 2nd, 2004 12:18 PM


Originally Posted by bsg1fan1975
As Daffy Duck would say: "Its mine, mine, mine!"

As my daughter Sarah would say .............NOT NOT NOT!!! ;)

bsg1fan1975 August 2nd, 2004 12:28 PM

As I say to hubby, Wrong again!

shiningstar August 2nd, 2004 12:31 PM


Originally Posted by bsg1fan1975
As I say to hubby, Wrong again!

As I say to my Hubby, Not this time dear :D

shiningstar August 2nd, 2004 12:35 PM

:devil:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~the thread~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:devil:

amberstar August 2nd, 2004 12:41 PM

Taking the ~~~~~ back once again;)

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