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Archangel July 18th, 2004 01:04 AM


Originally Posted by The 14th Colony
I think, so don't! =D


The 14th Colony July 18th, 2004 01:05 AM


Originally Posted by Rowan
LOL!:D ;)

I realized something strange and unusual. LOL spelled backwards is still LOL. Flippin' amazing! :wtf:

Rowan July 18th, 2004 01:06 AM


Originally Posted by The 14th Colony
I realized something strange and unusual. LOL spelled backwards is still LOL. Flippin' amazing! :wtf:

have you been talking to Muffit lately! LOL!;) :D

Archangel July 18th, 2004 01:08 AM


Originally Posted by The 14th Colony
I realized something strange and unusual. LOL spelled backwards is still LOL. Flippin' amazing! :wtf:

When was the last time you slept???

Rowan July 18th, 2004 01:10 AM


Originally Posted by Archangel
When was the last time you slept???

and here I was thinking he was hitting the sauce! LOL!;) :D

The 14th Colony July 18th, 2004 01:14 AM

Archangel, good question. I should be asleep now. maybe I am asleep. Maybe I am a sleepwalking poster. heh.

The 14th Colony July 18th, 2004 01:15 AM

Rowan, the last sauce I hit was honey mustard on my McNuggets. Yum.

Archangel July 18th, 2004 01:16 AM

Well, at least one of us eats at Rotten Ronnie's

Rowan July 18th, 2004 01:17 AM

well I'm enjoying having some late night company for a change! glad you guys are here! :D

Archangel July 18th, 2004 01:18 AM

So am I. This has sleep beat. ZZZZZZZZZZZ

The 14th Colony July 18th, 2004 01:19 AM

Actually, I am a more frequent patron of Burger King. But now that Micky D's promises real meat in their nuggets, I may devour more fat and colesteral (sp?) from there. Though I don't care for their burgers as much as BK's. And now that I have you distracted thinking about rotten burgers, the thread is mine again! Woo hoo!

Rowan July 18th, 2004 01:21 AM


Originally Posted by The 14th Colony
And now that I have you distracted thinking about rotten burgers, the thread is mine again! Woo hoo!

:P:;) :D

Archangel July 18th, 2004 01:22 AM

;) Burgers always distract me, but not for long...

The 14th Colony July 18th, 2004 01:22 AM

Ah, Rowan, I see your light is lit. baby can I light your fire? Or at least your online light. heh.

You two have had my fingers running trying to keep up. We three, the three of we, have been exchanging word posts in rapid fire succession. It's been fun. Fun is good. It's been a Good & Fun experience. We can package that and sell it on Ebay. Good & Fun.

Archangel July 18th, 2004 01:24 AM

Now while you're thinking of get-rich-quick schemes, I will take this little thred...

Rowan July 18th, 2004 01:27 AM

Well I thought it would make it easier if I delurked that way you can see where I'm posting to (if you use the whose on line feature) might help to cut down on the double posting! LOL!

light my fire? well someone needs to *sigh*... but the boyfriend might object;)
light my onlight light? I thought I was doing that for you guys;)
I like rapid fire posting makes the brain work!:D

fun is good, good fun is better... why pay for it when it's free though?;) :D

Archangel July 18th, 2004 01:31 AM

The boyfriend remark I wouldn't touch if you paid me. :D

The 14th Colony July 18th, 2004 01:33 AM

Good fun is funner, and gooder, when it's free. Good fun free. Free is good, good is fun.
Good: 0 dollars
Fun: 0 dollars
Free: 0 dollars
Being last in the thread: Priceless!

Rowan July 18th, 2004 01:34 AM


Originally Posted by The 14th Colony
Good fun is funner, and gooder, when it's free. Good fun free. Free is good, good is fun.
Good: 0 dollars
Fun: 0 dollars
Free: 0 dollars
Being last in the thread: Priceless!

I think this post is priceless! LOL!:D ;)

Archangel July 18th, 2004 01:34 AM

She beat me too it again!

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