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kitty April 30th, 2004 04:49 PM

The little puppy is tired, so its off to dreamland for me!

Look after that thread for me.

holodoc2000 April 30th, 2004 04:50 PM


Originally Posted by sorrell
What did you do to your wrist?

11 yrs old broken bone roller skating, 10 yrs later torn tendon tripping over curb at a hotel in Vegas, then about 2 or 3 yrs after that was diagnosed with carpal tunnel syndrom in both wrists. Just happens to be worse in left due to the other injuries. :(

braxiss April 30th, 2004 05:25 PM

my thread

holodoc2000 April 30th, 2004 06:05 PM


Originally Posted by braxiss
my thread

You sure about that braxiss?

unowhoandwhy April 30th, 2004 07:40 PM


Originally Posted by Rowan
in general jobs in health care right now like LPN's, care aids, anyone really working in the hospitals are taking a real hit right now, their Union is having a general strike (wildcat) the union leader called for it in a subtle way (illegal here to call for a general strike) Other unions are refusing to cross the picket lines and are actually joining he strikers with signs that indicate which unions they are with .The Liberal government has decimated health care in this province by privatizing all the support staff thereby reducing wages by 50% and increasing errors and problems.:P:

They are absolutely desperate for nurses in my area. My boss' wife makes more than $40.00 an hour to work as a floater. Of course, our health care system is the o[pposite of yours. The staff are very well paid and the insurance rates are through the roof.

Oh, and thanks for the thread.

holodoc2000 April 30th, 2004 08:06 PM

tee hee! I'm snatching thread back. :D

*pulls out pillows & hits braxiss & Thomasb with pillows* :duck:

:muffit: :muffit: :muffit:

unowhoandwhy April 30th, 2004 08:21 PM

I'll take that thread back. Here's a SpongeBob Squarepants pillow for ya, holodoc.

holodoc2000 April 30th, 2004 08:46 PM


Originally Posted by unowhoandwhy
I'll take that thread back. Here's a SpongeBob Squarepants pillow for ya, holodoc.

tee hee! Thanks Uno for the SpongeBob Squarepants pillow. :D

*uses SpongeBob Squarepants pillow to hit warhammer* :duck:

:muffit: :muffit: :muffit:

kat April 30th, 2004 11:36 PM

my turn for the thread

Rowan May 1st, 2004 12:18 AM

hello GRAB!

kat May 1st, 2004 12:22 AM

Hi Rowan,I seem to be missing you alot lately

kitty May 1st, 2004 03:00 AM

I am up and ready for a bit of thread action! :)

bsg1fan1975 May 1st, 2004 03:21 AM

bsg walks in and plops down by the kitty and starts scratching her fur

Rowan May 1st, 2004 03:22 AM

woooooooooo hooooooooooo let's go!;) :D

bsg1fan1975 May 1st, 2004 03:22 AM

g'mornin sis!

kitty May 1st, 2004 03:40 AM

Hello girls!

Rowan May 1st, 2004 07:44 AM

hello Sorrell;) :D

holodoc2000 May 1st, 2004 07:57 AM

tee hee! Time for me to snatch thread for a little while. :D

*pulls out pillows & hits braxiss & Thomasb with pillows* :duck:

:muffit: :muffit: :muffit:

kitty May 1st, 2004 07:58 AM

Holodoc, those boys are not even safe when hiding, you still manage to get them with your trusty pillows!

holodoc2000 May 1st, 2004 08:06 AM


Originally Posted by sorrell
Holodoc, those boys are not even safe when hiding, you still manage to get them with your trusty pillows!

tee hee! Gots to keep things as interesting for them as possible. ;)

:muffit: :muffit: :muffit:

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