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thomas7g March 17th, 2004 12:33 AM

Good night Kat. I wish you sweet though..threadless dreams. :)

Though I may have to follow after ya. Stamina went with the youth. :)

Senmut March 17th, 2004 12:34 AM

What's Colonial Standard for "Moo"?

Rowan March 17th, 2004 12:38 AM

I confess I haven't a clue...:)

Senmut March 17th, 2004 12:41 AM

That's udderly astounding!!!!

Rowan March 17th, 2004 12:43 AM

ok dude that just earned you a THWACK on the THWACK THREAD;)

Senmut March 17th, 2004 12:45 AM

:drool: :drool: :drool:

thomas7g March 17th, 2004 12:47 AM

sorry... capital P's are required.


Senmut March 17th, 2004 12:49 AM

In or out of the pod?

thomas7g March 17th, 2004 12:57 AM


you are on quite a roll!


Okay... Tommy is worn out... must sleep....

Goodnight all!

Rowan March 17th, 2004 01:01 AM

:kiss: good night Thomas sweet dreams:)

Rowan March 17th, 2004 01:03 AM

ok Sennmut and Thomas you lost me with that conversation....:confused:

Senmut March 17th, 2004 01:24 AM

YOU'RE lost?????

Rowan March 17th, 2004 01:30 AM

yes sir please help me...;)

Senmut March 17th, 2004 01:39 AM

Oh come with me, My Dear. let me guide you...

Rowan March 17th, 2004 01:42 AM

were are we going Sir? bats her eye lashes...

Senmut March 17th, 2004 01:44 AM

Modesty forbids.....

Rowan March 17th, 2004 01:56 AM

why sir...What big eyes you have....tossing her little red cape over her shoulder

Senmut March 17th, 2004 02:01 AM

All the better to see you in the dark, My Dear. And, it helps the contacts to fit better.

Rowan March 17th, 2004 02:08 AM

"Sir what big teeth you have"... she says clutching her basket a little closer...

Senmut March 17th, 2004 02:11 AM

All the better to nibble certain parts of you, My Dear...

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