tee hee! :D Sounds like a good plan. Lets just hope it works. ;)
hey there, has anyone seen my thread?
tee hee! :D You mean this little thread that I am holding in my little paws braxiss? ;)
yea that would be the one :D
tee hee! :D You will have to catch me braxiss in order to get to play with the thread some. ;)
Just look what happens when I leave this thread for a few hours: it becomes a public thoroughfare.
:Trembling: Thank you for the birthday cake, Spike. *takes cake and inserts it into microwave so that any unusual chemicals will be neutralized before I eat it.* I would go after Mocha, but right now, Mocha looks angelic compared to Holodoc who SEEMS UNABLE TO UNDERSTAND THAT THROWING WATER BALLOONS IS PROVOCATIVE. However, Braxis might go after Holodoc anyway, so I think that I will go searching for Mocha, although because she's been relatively good, I might not noogie her - but I'll definitely find out whether she's ticklish. ;) *Goes in the direction of where Mocha's voice came from.* |
tee hee! :D Gotta use the water balloons on someone Compass & right now you are the perfect target to use them on. ;)
*throws a few more water balloons at Compass* :duck: |
*Ignores water balloons and continues the search for Mocha.*
tee hee! :D
*pulls out super soaker & fires at Compass* :duck: |
Spike and Braxiss, would you please apprehend that nuisance before it drowns me?
*Continues search for Mocha* |
tee hee! :D Something wrong Compass? ;)
when bear gets the wayer toys out it's everyone for yourselves :D |
tee hee! :D
*ties the thread around braxiss* :duck: |
Compass...I hear humans are allergic to my blade...they die when they come into contact with it...
I shall take this thread for now |
tee hee! :D You sure you want to snatch thread right now klingongeneral? :)
Well I shall take the thread from the bear
tee hee! :D Now why would you want to do that klingongeneral? ;)
'Tis fun to take the thread...besides I must do something before I go to bed
tee hee! :D Then I will just have to give you a challenge then klingongeneral. ;)
*tickles klingongeneral all over* :duck: |
I accept your challenge bear...
*grabs the bear by the back of the neck and holds at arm's length to prevent the bear from tickling successfully* |
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