Use an Infinite Improbability Drive, it's better than Hyperdrive
Hypermass in physics is what is commonly called a "black hole" It may act as a gravitational mass node in hyperspace but it has(as far as I know) nothing to do with Hyperspace except as an expression of local space/time inversion.
Dialing a Stargate on a word destroyed by a Black Hole is not a good move
How could you dial out on a wormhole generator when in the presence of a Hypermass? The numbers say you go noodle in the X axis while y and z go crunch.
No I meant Dialing from earth or any other Stargate to a Stargate on a world destroyed by a Black Hole
There is no gate in the presence of a hypermass. You have to have "flat" space to inflate a Wormhole. A Hypermass is anything but "flat" space gravitationally speaking.
Tell that to SG-1
Tell it to Robert Penrose and Stephen Hawking? SG 1 might be able to do so. My matha isn't that good. :Nsad:
You have to remember that Science-Fiction doesn't have to be science-fact
Science fiction to be relevant needs some universal truth. That is why Jules Verne outlasts Hugo Gernsback.
I'm writting a novel at the moment, well attempting to. I'm setting it in a Alternate Universe, that way I can have the Tech as high or low as I want
Here's some advice. If you concieve of googelwatt weapons or machines----DON'T. There isn't that much energy in all of known creation.
do you giggawatt as in BTTF?
1x10^9 < 1x10^100
You've lost me
gigga is billion, googel is that raised to a power more than ten times itself at a billion.
tee hee1 :D I'm snatching thread from ya now Damocles. :D
Mine again, "little bear". :salute:
tee hee! :D You sure about that Damocles? ;)
Never sure...but at least i can snatch the thread every now and then. :D
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