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braxiss March 3rd, 2004 03:23 PM


holodoc2000 March 3rd, 2004 03:34 PM

tee hee! Time for me to snatch thread for a little while. ;)

:muffit: :muffit: :muffit:

shiningstar March 3rd, 2004 04:34 PM

Thanks for holding it for me ;)

braxiss March 3rd, 2004 05:33 PM

or were you holding it for me????????????

shiningstar March 3rd, 2004 05:38 PM

Not anymore ;)

braxiss March 3rd, 2004 05:41 PM

hey come on now, can i hold it for aleast a little while??????????? :rolleyes:

shiningstar March 3rd, 2004 05:45 PM


Originally Posted by braxiss
hey come on now, can i hold it for aleast a little while??????????? :rolleyes:


braxiss March 3rd, 2004 05:46 PM

:cry: :cry: :cry:

braxiss March 3rd, 2004 05:50 PM


oh yea i have the thread


shiningstar March 3rd, 2004 05:50 PM


Originally Posted by braxiss
:cry: :cry: :cry:

:rose: :rose: :rose: :rose: :rose:
:cake: :cake: :cake: :cake: :cake:
:corona: :corona: :corona: :corona:
:heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

I hope this cheers you up as I take the thread again. :girl:

braxiss March 3rd, 2004 05:54 PM

all right a round of ambroisa from shiningstar!!!!!!!

the thread is your my good friend

shiningstar March 3rd, 2004 05:55 PM


Originally Posted by braxiss
all right a round of ambroisa from shiningstar!!!!!!!

the thread is your my good friend

Thanks Braxiss :D

braxiss March 3rd, 2004 05:56 PM

or is it mine???

with all this drink i can't remember

shiningstar March 3rd, 2004 06:02 PM

Ping pong anyone ? :D

shiningstar March 3rd, 2004 06:21 PM

Good night everyone .............have fun with the thread. ;)

:star: :star: :star: :star: :star: :star: :star: :star: :star:
:star: :star: :star: :star: :star: :star: :star: :star: :star:

Rowan March 3rd, 2004 06:43 PM

good night shiningstar and thank you we will:D

ps good one shinignstar Thwack for Dawg very funny :laugh:

braxiss March 3rd, 2004 07:14 PM

thread! here thread!

come on thread it's time to come in

thread come on, let's go

Rowan March 3rd, 2004 07:19 PM

No, come to Me thread see treats:hershey: :hershey: :oreo: :oreo: :cookie: :cookie: :popcorn:

braxiss March 3rd, 2004 07:25 PM

:corona: :corona: :corona: :corona: :corona:

in the words of homer simpson BBBeeeeeeerrrrrrrrr!!!!!!!

we know what you want thread, so come and get it

Rowan March 3rd, 2004 07:35 PM

maybe the thread is a guy who likes women....come to me thread I have something better than beer...;)

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