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holodoc2000 December 16th, 2004 11:30 AM

tee hee! :D

*tackles Archangel & tickles him all over* :duck:

Archangel December 16th, 2004 11:31 AM

Ahhh, the teddy bear returneth... :D

holodoc2000 December 16th, 2004 11:40 AM

tee hee! :D I'm snatching thread from you again Archangel. ;)

*continues tickling Archangel all over* :duck:

Archangel December 16th, 2004 11:41 AM

I got it again, holodoc! :D

holodoc2000 December 16th, 2004 11:42 AM

tee hee! :D

Not for long Archangel. ;)

bsg1fan1975 December 16th, 2004 11:48 AM

and I'm jumping into the fracas and taking off with the thread!

holodoc2000 December 16th, 2004 11:51 AM

tee hee! :D I'm snatching thread again. :D

bsg1fan1975 December 16th, 2004 11:53 AM

so is everyone ready to make Christmas dinner this year, hubby and I started shopping for dinner supplies last night. Got to get a few more things and then we are ready. Hubby is going to even help cook that day!

Archangel December 16th, 2004 11:58 AM

Mine again!!!

Christmas dinner no cookie. I'm not sure anybody would appreciate 5-alarm chili over turkey. :D

braxiss December 16th, 2004 03:53 PM

time for me to take the thread

braxiss December 16th, 2004 07:17 PM

it's so slow around here

holodoc2000 December 16th, 2004 07:44 PM

tee hee! :D I'm snatching thread from ya braxiss! :D

*tackles braxiss & tickles him all over* :duck:

braxiss December 16th, 2004 07:56 PM

i'm here to take it back

holodoc2000 December 16th, 2004 08:00 PM

tee hee! :D I'll just snatch thread from ya again. ;)

*continues tickling braxiss all over* :duck:

braxiss December 16th, 2004 08:25 PM

you know i won't let you keep it very long right

holodoc2000 December 16th, 2004 08:34 PM

tee hee! :D Just like I'll keep snatching thread from you also braxiss. ;)

*continues tickling braxiss all over* :duck:

braxiss December 16th, 2004 08:35 PM


Originally Posted by holodoc2000
tee hee! :D Just like I'll keep snatching thread from you also braxiss. ;)

*continues tickling braxiss all over* :duck:


that what i thought :D

holodoc2000 December 16th, 2004 08:39 PM

tee hee! :D Gots to give ya a hard time every chance I get braxiss. ;)

*continues tickling braxiss all over* :duck:

braxiss December 16th, 2004 08:40 PM


Originally Posted by holodoc2000
tee hee! :D Gots to give ya a hard time every chance I get braxiss. ;)

*continues tickling braxiss all over* :duck:

i can live with that :D

braxiss December 16th, 2004 08:42 PM

well time to sneak off to bed, catch ya on the flip side

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