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KamikazeAthena June 27th, 2006 06:06 AM

Please keep some good thoughts going
Hi All,

Well, over the course of the last week and a half, my mother took a nasty fall (backwards off of some stairs onto concrete and managed not to break anything!) and I am now moving her to a senior facility. It has been quite the battle. She is somewhat willing and surprisingly my family is not complaining too much about my needing to move her (legally she is my responsibility.) However, I need to rent her house and have a brother with a history of "squatting" there. I was trying not to tell him about what was happening but mom freaked out. As a result, instead of me being able to pack her slowly and gracefully, he got involved and I had to keep him from raiding her belongings as if she were dead. It has been a much longer few days than it needed to be and I am behind in packing her things. At least he has been very pleasant, which actually scares me a little. We are moving her over the next few days and if he is going to squat, it will be now.

Please keep mom and I in your thoughts. Over the next few days I need to move her, keep my brother out of the house, get mom settled and visit her daily to help her make friends, and start packing the house. After that I have to rent it. I have a long battle ahead. Any good thoughts would be very appreciated.


julix June 27th, 2006 06:55 AM

You have my good thoughts and prayers............sorry about your Mom and the situation you are both in now. It is hard indeed. If you need to talk let me know..........

BST June 27th, 2006 07:34 AM

Echoing what Julix said, loads of best wishes for strength, patience, and peaceful cooperation for the tasks ahead of you.

BlueSquad2001 June 27th, 2006 09:08 AM

Right here when you need me. Give me a call when you can. I tried to call earlier but no answer, and I left a message.
Take Care!

jewels June 27th, 2006 06:22 PM

Dy, change the locks if you can--that can make it easier to avoid the squatting thing. I had another girlfriend face similar pains with her brother, though he was not at all helpful. Hopefully all will go well, saying a quick prayer for you, for all the things BST wished you.


Lara June 28th, 2006 02:45 AM

Ditto on all the good thoughts from the others..

Stength and patience to you..

keep us informed, when you are able..

Best Regards,

bsg1fan1975 June 28th, 2006 10:53 AM

Dy, you and your mom are in my prayers.

CBSG4ever June 28th, 2006 05:41 PM

You and your mom are in my thoughts and prayers as well, Dy. If there is anything that I can do to help, let me know. Shoot me a PM. Excellent idea about changing the locks. Stay strong and have patience and faith that all will work out. Best wishes to you and your family during this trying time.

bsg1fan1975 June 29th, 2006 07:46 AM

changing the locks is definately a good idea.

Cylon Number 13 June 29th, 2006 08:24 AM


You have my deepest sympathies in your time of distress. Best wishes to you and your mom in getting her settled and helping her make friends in the senior facility. You should definitely change the locks, and if possible get some help in keeping your brother out of the house.


bsg1fan1975 June 29th, 2006 11:34 AM

uh huh! if changing the locks don't work, look into a restraining order!

KamikazeAthena July 1st, 2006 12:46 AM

Thanks guys. All of this really means a lot and helps more than you will ever know.

Well, my brother came in before my mom moved and basically raped the house of all of the good he could get his hands on and left a huge mess behind. At least Brian and I got in there and pulled out all of the stuff of real value before my brother did. Let's put it this way, my brother is 59 years old and single (for a reason!) He insisted on taking the crib that has been in the family for generations. Just what will he do with it? No idea! He said it was sentimental and he should have it. Hmm.... guess there is no regard for Brian and I and the possibility of kids.

I had set some stuff aside for me to take "later" and quite a bit of it is missing. Oh well, it was all trivial, but still.

I would say that he took everything that was not nailed down but I found some screws on the garage floor today that obviously just came from somewhere. Finding out where should be interesting.

Well, he is gone and the locks were changed. I had to wait until mom left or she would just let him anyway to do what he wanted, even though he did a lot of things against her wishes and after he promised he would not. Basically, he saituation was being alive and watching her son act as if she were dead while she watched him raid her things. Sad.

But life is getting better and mom is adjusting pretty well. This is going to work out for her and that is all that I care about. Meanwhile, I am cleaning the rubble that was left behind and not sleeping. It is amazing how much stuff my parents amassed!

Things will get better.

Thanks again guys. I really appreciate the thoughts and prayers. I know they are helping.

...and Mike my dear, thank you. I will probably get a chance to call you back on Saturday.

Thanks all,

bsg1fan1975 July 5th, 2006 08:41 AM

Dy, sorry to hear your brother had to be a jerk. Sounds like my older sister, greedy!

At least your mother is doing better. In the long run she will be glad she has you to be there for her when its really important.

KamikazeAthena July 5th, 2006 03:30 PM

Thanks. Things are getting better. I am still pretty stressed but Mike is doing a good job of kicking my @$$ and helping me get the right attitude.

Friends make all of the difference!

Anyone wanna rent a house near San Francisco?

bsg1fan1975 July 6th, 2006 07:42 AM

That's what friends are for! My dad told me that he got an email from my brother while he was at work. Baby brother said that Hades is breaking out all over S. Korea due to N. Korea's testing those missles.

cobrastrikelead July 20th, 2006 07:18 AM

Taking care of the elders
is a very honorable trait.

Here's hoping things get back to an even keel.

bsg1fan1975 July 21st, 2006 04:21 AM

hope all is well with you!

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