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BST November 19th, 2011 06:40 AM

The Hobbit - "The Desolation of Smaug"
As was done with the Lord of the Rings trilogy, filiming is concurrent with the first part, "An Unexpected Journey".

Check the IMDB link for further information:

Release Date - December 13, 2013


BST December 10th, 2013 06:49 PM

Re: The Hobbit - "There and Back Again"
Apologies for not updating this sooner. Since "The Hobbit" is being split into 3 movies, this thread will be for the 2nd installment, "The Desolation of Smaug".

Westy December 15th, 2013 02:26 AM

Re: The Hobbit - "The Desolation of Smaug"
I saw it Friday night, I liked it - a lot. The dragon CGI was amazing. I'll be seeing it again in the coming week at some point.

BST December 15th, 2013 05:31 AM

Re: The Hobbit - "The Desolation of Smaug"
We saw on Friday, too. Really enjoyed it, although I just don't know about the 3-D. While enhancing in some areas, it was annoying in others such as, 'walking down the street' in Bree.

Otherwise, like I said, we really enjoyed it.

Charybdis December 20th, 2013 04:00 PM

Re: The Hobbit - "The Desolation of Smaug"
Saw it last Friday in regular 2-D. Looked great, same old LOTR stuff and I think I really liked the first installment better than this one.

Did you catch Peter Jackson's cameo right at the very beginning of the movie??

Westy January 8th, 2014 12:33 PM

Re: The Hobbit - "The Desolation of Smaug"
I'm not a fan of 3D for the sake of 3D...and I chose the non 3D version of smaug...3D looks too billboardy and I agree, it distracts from the story and whatnot. If they'd just film the story and it happens to be in 3D I think it'd be better than highlight cool wiz bang 3D shots over and over again. Not a fan of it.

Punisher454 January 8th, 2014 05:01 PM

Re: The Hobbit - "The Desolation of Smaug"
Havent seen it yet, but I agree with Westy's opinion on the use of 3D. I like it a lot when its just a natural part of the scene. But when the 3d effect itself becomes the center of attention the immersion of the story is actually somewhat lost. Use it, dont abuse it.

Senmut January 8th, 2014 06:12 PM

Re: The Hobbit - "The Desolation of Smaug"
Sadly, alot of people are addicted to eye candy, not actual story or drama.

BST January 10th, 2014 08:56 PM

Re: The Hobbit - "The Desolation of Smaug"

Originally Posted by Senmut (Post 312927)
Sadly, alot of people are addicted to eye candy, not actual story or drama.

There shouldn't be any need for gimmicks. Tolkien's work stands by itself. All of the books/stories are magnificent. Truly magnificent!

Senmut January 10th, 2014 09:21 PM

Re: The Hobbit - "The Desolation of Smaug"
No, there should not be. But lots of folks today have come to expect it. And while I can understand a measure of SFX, when dealing with dragons, demons, et al, it should never be the whole point. Today, it's all big tits and explosions, with no regard for depth and profound drama.

BST January 12th, 2014 02:13 PM

Re: The Hobbit - "The Desolation of Smaug"
Well, there is a certain level of special effects that are going to be necessary to put together a story of this magnitude. Consider the Battle of Pelennor Field, in Lord of the Rings: Return of the King. With a few exceptions, Théoden's army was CGI. The story, however, was the centerpiece.

Sméagol is another example. Although Andy Sirkis wore the green suit and does all the voice-overs, the character is CGI.

I'm happy that stories like LOTR and the Hobbit did and are doing so well in the theaters. I recommend the stories to anyone, especially the young folks.

Titon January 13th, 2014 03:56 AM

Re: The Hobbit - "The Desolation of Smaug"
Although it's not entirely following the books it's a fun movie. I found it getting a bit long winded in the end and was seriously becoming bored with it at 2 hours. It, for me, does not have that LOTR feel to it. But that's not saying it is not a good movie series which it is.

I guess I am getting to old to sit through some of these films...


martok2112 January 13th, 2014 04:26 PM

Re: The Hobbit - "The Desolation of Smaug"
This barely registered on my radar when it was out. I'll just pick it up on blu-ray.

I enjoyed the LotR movies, and enjoyed The Hobbit: The Journey Begins, and I'm pretty sure I'll enjoy this one too.... I guess I just have other priorities for big screen films. (And I do know that the LotR and Hobbit films are certainly big screen events. :) )

I have no problem with 3D...whether it was meant to natively be in the film, or whether it was added on as an afterthought.

I saw Star Wars Episode I when it was re-released in 3D, and thought the 3D transition was good. Not great, but good. If anything, I just wanted to see it on the big screen one more time, rather than just the whole 3D thing. Sadly, none of the other movies will see such a return to the big screen that way.

(I knooowwww.....I knowwwwww... "but.... but I'd rather Star Wars stay off the big screen if it's just gonna be brought back for 3D effects. It ain't MY Star Wars! And why, oh God, why did they have to start it back up with Episode I?! Mooommmmmmmyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" ) :rolleyes:

kingfish April 9th, 2014 09:30 AM

Re: The Hobbit - "The Desolation of Smaug"
looks like the dvd is out and an extended version is planned before the final movie is released.

Senmut August 22nd, 2018 09:39 PM

Re: The Hobbit - "The Desolation of Smaug"
Please, O Valar under Illuvatar! Keep Peter Jackson away from The Silmarillion!!!!!

BST August 23rd, 2018 06:39 PM

Re: The Hobbit - "The Desolation of Smaug"

Originally Posted by Senmut (Post 314470)
Please, O Valar under Illuvatar! Keep Peter Jackson away from The Silmarillion!!!!!

I would love to see the Silmarillion!!!

Terrific story!

Senmut August 25th, 2018 02:45 PM

Re: The Hobbit - "The Desolation of Smaug"
So would I. It is. But please...NOT Jackson!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tibbetts August 31st, 2018 12:19 PM

Re: The Hobbit - "The Desolation of Smaug"
I thought Jackson did fairly well. Love those movies! Would like to see Silmarillion as well. :D

Senmut August 31st, 2018 04:24 PM

Re: The Hobbit - "The Desolation of Smaug"
Illuvatar's creation of the cosmos would be cool.

Jubal February 5th, 2019 09:16 AM

Re: The Hobbit - "The Desolation of Smaug"
These movies angered me.

(NERD RAGE) !!! :P

Hobbit was all about small creatures making a big difference in the grand scheme. A lowly Hobbit, a unassuming Thrush (bird), a lowly archer. A great tale.

In this you get a whole lot of "get out of the way Hobbit!" And the main character becomes a secondary character in his own movie. We need fight scenes! We need LEGOLAS!!! (Who was not really in the tales). And we need a love story that also did not exist.

And that Thrush (the point that pissed me off the most), ok... fine! We'll let the bird help them find the secret passage, but have that same bird tell the weakness on Smaug? Hell no!!! We need to have a great action sequence where the archer spots the weak point on a dragon way off that is flying at great speeds! AND... AND... we need to have the archer make an on the spot fix to his bow that simply would not have worked.

And later in the in story, when the Hobbit is knocked out, we need tons and tons of fight scenes!! Big armies!!!!1!!11!!!

Uggg. I really want to edit out all the GARBAGE this movie added and make a good Hobbit film. And I almost could, but the scene where the Thrush tells Bard the Archer the vital information is not there.

Meh, I still might try an edit all the same.

Senmut February 5th, 2019 10:08 AM

Re: The Hobbit - "The Desolation of Smaug"

Originally Posted by Jubal (Post 314910)
These movies angered me.

(NERD RAGE) !!! :P

Hobbit was all about small creatures making a big difference in the grand scheme. A lowly Hobbit, a unassuming Thrush (bird), a lowly archer. A great tale.

In this you get a whole lot of "get out of the way Hobbit!" And the main character becomes a secondary character in his own movie. We need fight scenes! We need LEGOLAS!!! (Who was not really in the tales). And we need a love story that also did not exist.

And that Thrush (the point that pissed me off the most), ok... fine! We'll let the bird help them find the secret passage, but have that same bird tell the weakness on Smaug? Hell no!!! We need to have a great action sequence where the archer spots the weak point on a dragon way off that is flying at great speeds! AND... AND... we need to have the archer make an on the spot fix to his bow that simply would not have worked.

And later in the in story, when the Hobbit is knocked out, we need tons and tons of fight scenes!! Big armies!!!!1!!11!!!

Uggg. I really want to edit out all the GARBAGE this movie added and make a good Hobbit film. And I almost could, but the scene where the Thrush tells Bard the Archer the vital information is not there.

Meh, I still might try an edit all the same.

This is the problem when some "visionary" gets ahold of a beloved property. They decide that "it's great. Now, all it needs is...", and then they do whatever they like with it. After all, they "know" what the public wants, right? And when they are done, we barely recognize it.
Like a certain other saga...cough...cough...ahem....


Jubal February 5th, 2019 10:23 AM

Re: The Hobbit - "The Desolation of Smaug"

Originally Posted by Senmut (Post 314911)
This is the problem when some "visionary" gets ahold of a beloved property. They decide that "it's great. Now, all it needs is...", and then they do whatever they like with it. After all, they "know" what the public wants, right? And when they are done, we barely recognize it.
Like a certain other saga...cough...cough...ahem....


Hahaha!!! At least that franchise they left the one major thing mostly alone... the Viper!

Senmut August 1st, 2019 09:09 AM

Re: The Hobbit - "The Desolation of Smaug"
Small favors, I guess. Still, I would rather have had the real deal.

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