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Dawg August 17th, 2003 11:53 AM

But I've got the thread, so it's mine, you hear me, Mine! MINE!! MINE, ALL MINE!!!!


I am

amberstar August 17th, 2003 02:10 PM

Not for long Dawg.........
Amberstar zips by and grabs it once again!:D


BST August 17th, 2003 02:33 PM

Ahem, guess who has it now?

:D :D :D

amberstar August 17th, 2003 03:11 PM

BST, I told you I was going to hold it for you:D

Dawg August 17th, 2003 03:19 PM

Cheeze. Won't even let a guy indulge his meglomania.

I'm going to take my thread and go home.


I am

BST August 17th, 2003 05:14 PM

YOUR THREAD?? Pray tell, what do the rest of us look like, "little spools"?????

Snatches thread and runs like H_ _ _ (remembers story about Sheriff Dawg and his hangman's noose)...kicks on the Hades with the brakes!! :eek: :eek:



Dawg August 17th, 2003 05:45 PM

Well, BST, I've been meaning to speak with you about your - ah - physical conditioning situation - you know - I mean, you're in shape, you know, round being a shape.... Kinda like a spool.....


Ain't I a stinker? :devil:

OK, I'm holding the thread for the first person who WHOOOOSHES by and grabs it.

(OK, I've got one end tied to a tree, but don't tell anybody!)

I am

Muffit August 17th, 2003 06:34 PM

...Till Muffit and the beavers feel the sparks of rebellion and hoist a new flag that reads:

"Don't Thread on Me"

:beaver: :D :beaver: :muffit:

Flamingo Girl August 17th, 2003 10:20 PM

I didn't go online at all yesterday, look at the petty fighting that went on over my thread.

I believe my record stands at two weeks, without threats, diversions or any form of cheating.

*looks superior*

amberstar August 18th, 2003 06:47 PM

Thats a great record Flamingo Girl, but I'll take the thread for a while.
Until BST, or Dawg zooms in and grabs it from me.:D

shiningstar August 18th, 2003 08:00 PM

LOL Bst and Dawg aren't here :D But I am!

amberstar August 18th, 2003 08:24 PM

Hi there! I'm here too, and the thread is mine:D

Dawg August 18th, 2003 08:43 PM

But I'm never gone for long!

I am

amberstar August 18th, 2003 09:28 PM

I'm not gone for too long either!

Muffit August 18th, 2003 11:16 PM

I'm always gone. At least that's what my family says (and I work from home) :D


shiningstar August 19th, 2003 06:31 AM

LOL Muffit my family says that about me too ;)

repcisg August 19th, 2003 09:44 AM

Just thought I'd drop in real quick and say hi,

and steal the thread - Yipeeeeeeee

shiningstar August 19th, 2003 06:03 PM

Hi to you too repcisg ;)

Dawg August 19th, 2003 06:41 PM

I'm not a happy camper right now (but the bourbon is helping), so I'm going to snag the thread and growl at people.


I am

amberstar August 19th, 2003 07:05 PM

I was almost afraid to steal the thread away from Dawg,
Hope your feeling like your old self soon!


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