your thread? i think your a bit confused
tee hee! :D This little bear snatching thread from ya now braxiss. ;)
*tackles braxiss & tickles him all over* :duck: |
The bear tackles people often. I wonder whether she played football.
tee hee! :D This little bear has never played football before. :P:
You'll learn soon. Let me show you.
*Tackles Holodoc and tickles her* |
Turnabout is fair play. And poaching on the gentry's thread is punishable by arrest and tickling.
*continuing to tickle Holodoc* |
*Tackes the thread while Compass and Holodoc are tickling eachother* :D
mornin :)
julix, sorry todo this, but i'm taking the thread from you
tee hee! :D This little bear is snatching thread from ya now braxiss. ;)
*tackles braxiss & tickles him all over* :duck: |
The thread is mine, give it to me! My precious, it was gifted to us, yes, yesss it was. Nasty hobitses fighting and tackling each other over it. But it's ours, given to us for our birthday. Ow how it gleams!, how it sparkles. Be gentle to Smeagol von Kriechbaum, give him the thread. :D
tee hee! :D In Lord of the Rings mode I see kriechbaum. :)
I could not help it, Smeagol is just so brilliant. Such an inspiration for us all.
tee hee! :D It been awhile since I've watched the Lord of the Rings.
Ow, you should not watch it:( You should read it. In fact I would recommend a version that you can keep with you in your in your bag/purse, whatever it is that little bears carry:) Next time when you get bored of playing word games on this forum ;) , pop the book out and find out what happened with Tom Dombadil and his merry wife:) You would not find that from the movies:(
tee hee! :D Which verson of Lord of the Rings would ya recommend?
Version? I did not know there were different versions. I thought since last revision in 1950s or whenever it was, there were no more different versions.
Do you use public transport in your town little bear? That's where I get most of my reading done. Getting into a tram/metro/bus/train is just an excuse to find out what happens in the next chapter:) |
I have a car that I drive. Public transportion doesn't come out to where I live & it would be a long walk to get to where I would be able to use public transportation. |
I did not know they let little bears drive :D
I've never read a version of LOTR that was written after the movie. But I can't imagine it being better than what was written by Tolkien himself. |
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