I'm going to get my finger prints all over the thread one more time, before I have to go. :Nsalute:
Hey I made it to 8,700 yay I'm trying to get to 9 before the new show starts I've been shirking my posting duties lately :D
post all you want, because i got the thread
ah but for how long sir...:D ;)
long enough :devil:
cool Avatar Braxiss!! who or what is that?
I think that's from the second coming art work Rowan. Go to the first page before you go to the forums.
I saw it on there! |
Good to see your playing along again :D |
Once again, it belongs to me!!!
I was wondering when you were going to show up :D |
I had a board meeting, or I would have been here sooner. :Nsmilie:
Welcome back Excalibur. Thanks for the ~~~~~
So many grubby hands all over the thread.
My turn again:)
Look over there! It's the original Starbuck! :LOL: :LOL: :LOL: |
............Good try I almost fell for that :D |
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