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bsg1fan1975 November 15th, 2004 11:55 AM

and I'll take it back. I think the fellas are hiding from my sharp wit today!

repcisg November 15th, 2004 02:15 PM

Not me!
Never fear!
For I am here!

And this thread is mine!

DarkJedi November 15th, 2004 02:37 PM

eh... not for long... The Dark Jedi is on the prowl... lol

Rowan November 15th, 2004 02:51 PM

Well will you look at who decided to show up!!! Hello STRANGER!!!! ;) :D

DarkJedi November 15th, 2004 02:55 PM

*looks around frantically* who? oh you mean me! lol :D yeah... am home for a bit but will go to work in a few hours. Had an asthma attack. Bleh...
Yeah this getting used to being a mom to a 4 year old is hard... lol Didn't realize it was going to tire me out so much but I wouldn't change it for the world! :)

Rowan November 15th, 2004 03:01 PM

isn't it the most amazing thing?!!! I was a step mom to 3 boys for a few years and loved it - fell madly in love with them. Sorry to hear about the asthma attack I used to get those all the time as a kid I remember what that was like! (((((((((((((((((DarkJedi))))))))))))))))))

shiningstar November 15th, 2004 03:10 PM

(((((((((GROUP HUGS)))))))))))))
.......whether here or there the ~~~~~~~~~
comes back to me :devil:

repcisg November 15th, 2004 03:11 PM

Hey, long time no see.
Glad to hear things are going well. Please drop in more offten, even if it is to just say "HI".

shiningstar November 15th, 2004 04:33 PM

[mover]turboviper[/mover]======[mover]basestar[/mover]:viper::viper:~~~the thread~~~:viper::viper::devil::devil::devil::devil::devil::devil::devil::devil::devil::devil::devil::bone::bone::bone:~~~the thread~~~:bone::bone::bone: thread~~~ thread~~~ thread~~~ thread~~~ thread~~~ thread~~~ thread~~~ thread~~~ thread~~~ thread~~~ thread~~~ thread~~~ thread~~~ thread~~~ thread~~~[img][[/img]~~~the thread~~~ thread~~~ thread~~~:bone::bone::bone:[mover]turboviper[/mover]=====[mover]basestar[/mover][mover]battlestargalacticafleeing[/mover][mover]basestar[/mover][mover]moon[/mover][mover]battlestargalactica[/mover][mover]turboviper[/mover][mover]basestar[/mover]

braxiss November 15th, 2004 04:53 PM


shiningstar November 15th, 2004 05:55 PM

[mover]turboviper[/mover]======[mover]basestar[/mover]:viper::viper:~~~the thread~~~:viper::viper::devil::devil::devil::devil::devil::devil::devil::devil::devil::devil::devil::bone::bone::bone:~~~the thread~~~:bone::bone::bone: thread~~~ thread~~~ thread~~~ thread~~~ thread~~~ thread~~~ thread~~~ thread~~~ thread~~~ thread~~~ thread~~~ thread~~~ thread~~~ thread~~~ thread~~~[img][[/img]~~~the thread~~~ thread~~~ thread~~~:bone::bone::bone:[mover]turboviper[/mover]=====[mover]basestar[/mover][mover]battlestargalacticafleeing[/mover][mover]basestar[/mover][mover]moon[/mover][mover]battlestargalactica[/mover][mover]turboviper[/mover][mover]basestar[/mover]

repcisg November 15th, 2004 08:20 PM

Got it!

braxiss November 15th, 2004 08:29 PM

again it's mine

holodoc2000 November 15th, 2004 09:13 PM

tee hee! :D I'm snatching thread from ya braxiss! :D

*tackles braxiss & tickles him all over* :duck:

Conundrum November 15th, 2004 09:55 PM

you are all n00bs !!! :D

holodoc2000 November 15th, 2004 10:02 PM


Originally Posted by Conundrum
you are all n00bs !!! :D

Just who are you calling n00bs?!

repcisg November 15th, 2004 10:17 PM

Careful, you are standing down wind!

kitty November 16th, 2004 12:07 AM

Kitty has some time to kill, so takes the thread and puts it to use. :)

bsg1fan1975 November 16th, 2004 03:49 AM

and the fight for the thread today is on!

shiningstar November 16th, 2004 05:56 AM

It sure is :D

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